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contiguous to the area hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to include said area <br />within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, to-wit: <br />TRACT I - 8.514 ACRES: <br />SITUATED within the Corporate Limits of the Citv of Paris, County of <br />Lamar, and State of Texas, a part of the Joseph Ames Survey #28 and the John <br />Herrington Survey #436, and being a called 8.534 acre tract of land conveyed to <br />the Paris, Texas Industrial Foundation, Inc., by deed recorded in Vol. 702, Page <br />652, of the Deed Records of said County and State. <br />BEGINNING at an iron pin (f) for corner at the Nortlleast corner of said <br />8.534 acre tract, said point being in the West Boundary Line of a 25.871 acre <br />tract, said point also being the Southeast corner of a 98 ft. strip of land owned ' <br />by said Foundation. <br />THENCE South 0 Deg. 44 Min. 53 Sec. West along the West Boundary <br />Line of said 25.871 acre tract a distance of 451.07 ft. to an iron pin (f) for corner <br />at the Easterly Southeast corner of said 8.534 acre tract, said point being the <br />Northeast corner of a 1.498 acre tract of land owned by Trier; <br />THENCE Nortll 89 Deg. 12 Min. 17 Sec. West a distance of 339.35 ft. <br />to an iron pin (o for corner at an el corner of said 8.534 acre tract and the <br />Northwest corner of said 1.498 acre tract; THENCE South 0 Deg. 45 Min. 23 Sec. West a distance of 267.53 ft. to <br />an iron pin (s) for corner at the Southerly Southeast corner of said 8.534 acre <br />tract, said point being the Southwest corner of said 1.498 acre tract; <br />THENCE South 66 Deg. 52 Min. 25 Sec. West along the Northerly <br />Boundary Line of Loop Hwy. 286 a distance of 306 ft. to an iron pin (s) for <br />corner at the Southwest corner of an 8.534 acre tract, said point being the <br />Southeast corner of an 8.119 acre tract of land surveyed this same day; <br />THENCE North 0 Deg. 41 Min. 42 Sec. East a distance of 839.56 ft. to <br />an iron pin (frs) for corner at the Northwest corner of said 8.534 acre tract, said <br />point being the Northeast corner of said 8.119 acre tract; <br />THENCE South 89 Deg. 29 Min. 33 Sec. East a distance of 619.99 ft. to , <br />the place of beginning and containing 8.514 acres of land. <br />TRACT iI - 8.119 ACRES: <br />SITUATED within the corporate Limits of the City of Paris, County of <br />Lamar, and State of Texas, a part of the Joseph Ames Survey #28 and the John ~ <br />Herrington Survey #t436, and being a part of a 54.33 acre tract of land conveyed <br />the Paris, Texas Industrial Foundation, Inc., by deed recorded in Vol. 441, Page <br />72, of the Deed Records of said County and State. <br />BEGINNING at an iron pin (frs) for corner in a Nortli Boundary Line of <br />said 54.33 acre tract, said point being the Northwest corner of a 10 acre tract of <br />land conveyed Raymond Trier by deed recorded in Vol. 556, Page 102, of said <br />Records (said 10 acre tract being split into a called 8.534 acre tract and a 1.5 <br />acre tract, said 8.534 acre tract being conveyed to said Foundation by deed <br />recorded in Vol. 702, Page 652, of said Records), said point also being the <br />Northwest corner of an 8.514 acre tract surveyed this same day. <br />THENCE South 0 Deg. 41 Min. 42 S&. West a distance of 839.56 ft. to <br />an iron pin (s) for corner at the Southwest corner of said 10 acre tract (same as <br />southwest corner of 8.514 acre tract); , <br />THENCE along the North Boundary Line of Loop Hwy 286 as follows: <br />South 66 Deg. 52 Min. 25 Sec. West a distance of 91.15 ft. to a concrete marker <br />(f); South 72 Deg. 33 Min. 38 Sec. West a distance of 100.5 ft. to an iron pin <br />(s); Soutli 66 Deg. 51 Min. 00 Sec. West a distance of 202.52 ft. to a power pole <br />(f) for corner, said point being the Southeast corner of a 13.47 acre tract of land <br />conveyed Nicholson by deed recorded in Vol. 480, Page 195, of the Real <br />Property Records of said County and State; <br />THENCE along a fence along the East Boundary I.ine of said 13.47 acre <br />tract as follows: Nortli 2 Deg. 23 Min. 46 Sec. West a distance of 190.28 ft. to <br />an iron pin (s) at the Southwest corner of said Joseph Ames Survey and an el <br />