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ORDINANCr NO. 97-044 <br />Corqck o r4. 0 °15 -oa7 <br />A1V ORDINANCE AMENDING ANNE:YATION ORDINANCE NO. 95-007 OF TIIE, <br />CITY Or PARTS, PARTS, TEXAS, PASSED ON THE 9TII DAY Or JANUARY, 1995, BY <br />REVISING SECTION 1 OF SAID ORDTNANCr; PROVIDING rOR THE CORRECTION <br />OF INACCURACIES IN THE MEi TES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF THE, AN1VE XE, D <br />PROPERTY; RE, PEALING ALI. ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN <br />CONI+'LICT I-IEREWITII; AND PROVTDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF <br />SEPTEMBER 8, 1997. <br />WHEREAS, the description of the property being annexed in Ordinance No. 95-007, had <br />certain inaccuracies, such as minutes of clegr•ces being rounded off and seconds of degrees being <br />omitted; and, <br />WIIT;REAS, the land presumed to have been annexed is the same land being correctly <br />cleseribecl in this amendment; NOW, TIIrRET+'ORr, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY TT-TF, CITY COUNCTL OI' THE CITY 4I+' PARIS: <br />Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 95-007 of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, <br />passed on the 9th day of January, 1997, be, and tlie same is hereby, amended so that such shall <br />read as follows: I <br />"Section 1. The following described land anc( territory lying adjacent to <br />and acljoining the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, is hereby added and annexecl to the <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas, and said territory hereinai'ter described shall hcreafter <br />be inchided within the boundary limits of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, and the <br />present boundary limits of said City, at the various points contiguous to che arel <br />hereinafter described, ire altered and amendeci so as to include said area within the <br />corporate limits of the City of Paris, Pai•is, Texas, to-wit: <br />"SITU/1TCD within the County of Lamar, and State of Texas, being a part <br />of the Reciin Russell Survey #786, being part of a 99.54 acre tract of lanci conveyed <br />Glenn Townes anci Bobby Smallwood by deed recorded in Volume 410, Page 154, <br />of the Real Property Records of said County and State, and being more particuIarly <br />described as follows: <br />"BCGINNING at the southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed Richard <br />B. Swint and wife, Susan Brown Swint, by Bessie Lee IIaynes, et al, by deed <br />recorded in Volume 526, Page 880, Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas, said <br />point being in the present City Limit Line and being an inside ell corner of said <br />Townes-Smallwood 99.54 acre tract; <br />"TI-tENCG South 60 Deg. 28 Min. 11 Sec. East a distance of 1869.970 feet <br />to a point; <br />"THCNCr South 01 Deg. 02 Min, 56 Sec. East a distance of 560.500 feet <br />to a point; <br />"TIIENCE South 53 Deg. 56 Min. 41 Sec. West a distance of 341.000 feet, _ <br />more or less, to the intersection witil a line that is 600 feet northeast of and parallel <br />to the center linc of the outside lane of Loop I-Iighway 286 and saicl point being in <br />the present City Limit Line; <br />"TI-TENCE North 56 Deg. 55 Min. 45 Sec. West a distance of 2078.087 <br />feet to a point; <br />"TIIrNCC South 34 Deg. 41 Min. 03 Sec. West, continuing along the <br />pi•esent City Limit Line, a distance of 667.424 feet moi•e or less to the place of <br />beginning, containing 34.733 acres of land." <br />Section 2. All ordinances or parts of oi•dinances in conflict her•ewith are hereby expressly <br />repealed. <br />Section 3. This ordinance shall become efFective on September 8, 1997. <br />