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'6 Z.. <br />ORDINANCE PIO. 2630 <br />AN ORDIDTANCE PROVIDING FOR THr- EXTENS ION OF CERTAIN <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, AND <br />THE ANNEXATION OI' CERTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING OF 8.99 <br />ACRES, MORE OR LESS, [,TiICH IS LESS THAN TEN PER CENT (10%) <br />-OF THE TERRITORY INCLUDED 47ITHIN ITS PRESENT CITY LIMITS, <br />Tv'HICH SAID TERRITORY LIES ADJACENT TO AND AUJOINS THE PRE- <br />SENT BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, <br />AND PROVIDING ZONING FOR SAID TERRITORY. <br />ti1IiEREAS, public hearings before the City Council of <br />the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, where all interested per- <br />sons were provided with an opportunity to be heard on the <br />proposed annexation of the following described property: <br />Situated in the County of Lamar and State of <br />Texas, a part of the Isaac Cruse Survey and being <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING a.T a point in the South Right-of-way <br />of U. S. Highway No. 82, said point being in the <br />West City Limit Line of the City of Paris, Texas, <br />said point being West, a distance of 92 feet from <br />the Northeast corner of an 18 acre tract of land <br />out of the Isaac Cruse Survey, conveyed to Jaries <br />L. Broclcway and wife, Martha B. Brockway, by deed <br />filed March 7, 1957, recorded in Volurne 353, Page <br />356, Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas; <br />THE?VCE along the South Right-of-way of U. S. <br />Highway No. 82, West, a distance of 777.2 feet to <br />a point, said point being the Northwest Corner of <br />an 18 acre tract of land conveyed Curtis McDaniels <br />and wife, Kay McDaniels, by deed filed June 23, 1980, <br />recorded in Volume 625, Page 930, Deed Records, Lamar <br />County, Texas; <br />THi:NCL South along the jaest Boundary Line of said <br />McDaniels 18 acre tract of land, a distance of 504 <br />feet to a point; <br />THENCE East parallel witn the South Right-of-way <br />of U. S. rIighway No. 82, a distar_ce of 777.2 feet to <br />apoint in the Gdest City Limit Line of the City of <br />Paris; <br />TNENCE Nortiz along the existing city limit line <br />of the City of Paris, a distance of 504 feet to the <br />place of beginning and containing 8.99 acres of land, <br />more or less, <br />was held at Paris, Texas, on tne lst day of March, 1982, in <br />Special Session convened, at 6:00 o'cloclc P. M., at <br />Montgomery's Exxon Service Station, Highway 82 West, Route 5, <br />Paris, Texas; and on the $th day of March, in Regular Session <br />convened, at 7:00 o'clock P. M,, in the Council Room, City <br />Hall, Paris, Texas, which dates are not more than forty (40) <br />nor less than twenty (20) days prior to the institution of <br />annexation proceedings; and, <br />WdEREAS, notice of such public hearings wa5:pub:lished <br />in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Paris, <br />Texas, and in the above described territory, on the 14th, 19th, <br />and 21st day of February, 1982, which dates are not more than <br />t;aenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of <br />such pub 1ic hearings; and, <br />