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<br />J C.-1 <br />ORDINANCE v0, 2551 <br />~ C?S~i .J/~' ~`•'''~°'''a~~ <br />I(' ~ <br />tY'I.SJ 1 y~S_ . <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIIG FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, AND <br />THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING OF 74.5 <br />ACRES, MORE OR LESS, WHICH IS LESS THAP1 TEN PER CEPdT (10%) <br />OF THE TERRITORY INCLUDED WITHIN ITS PRESENT CITY LIMITS, <br />WHICH SAID TERRITORY LIES ADJACENT TO AND ADJOINS THE PRE- <br />SENT BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, <br />Whereas, a public hearing before the City Council of <br />the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, where all interested per- <br />sons were provided with an opportunity to be heard on the <br />proposed annexation of the following described territory: <br />Situated in the County of Lamar and State of <br />Texas, a part of the Enoch Crow and the Joseph Leach <br />Surveys, and bein, more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the present city limit <br />line of the City of Paris, said point being in the <br />South Boundary Line of Pine Mill Road and being at <br />the point of intersection of a line that is 600 feet <br />East of and parallel to the center line of the out- <br />side lane of Loop 286 N. E.; <br />THENCE in a Southerly direction cvith said city <br />limit line and the line which is 600 feet East of <br />and parallel to the center line of the outside lane <br />of Loop 286 N, E. approximately 1,520 feet to the <br />North Right-of-Way line of U. S. Highway 32 East; <br />THENCE in an Easterly direction with said <br />North Right-of-Way line approximately 2,015 feet <br />to the center of a creek which flows South; <br />THENCE in a Northerly and Northwesterly di- <br />rection with the meanders of the center of said <br />creek approximately 2,100 feet to the North prop- <br />erty line of a tract of land conveyed to Roy L. <br />Williamson by G. L. Skidmore by deed recorded in <br />Book 492, Page 53, Deed Records, Lamar County, <br />Texas; <br />THENCE South 89 Deg. 57 Min. West to the South <br />Boundary Line of Pine Mill Road, the same being the <br />present city limit line oi the City of Paris; <br />THENCE Westerly with said South Boundary Line <br />of Pine r1i11 Road approximately 1,500 feet to the <br />place of beginning and containing 74,5 acres, more <br />or less. <br />was held at Paris, Texas, on the lOth day of November, 1980, <br />which date is not more than twenty nor less than ten days prior <br />to the institution of annexation proceedings; and, <br />WHEREAS, noL-ice of such public hearing was published in <br />a newspaper havir.g general circulation in the City of Paris, <br />Texas, and in the above described territory, on the 25th day <br />of October, 1980, which date is not more than twenty nor less <br />than ten days prior to the date of such nublic hearing; and, <br />WHEREAS, the total corporate area ot the City of Paris, <br />Paris, Texas, on the first day of January, 1980, was 14,026 <br />acres; and, <br />