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; <br />j <br />i ; <br /> <br />( 4 <br />e..! <br />ORDINA NC C NO. 2414 <br />0 <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CER- <br />TAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, <br />AND THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING OF <br />25.871 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, WHICH IS LESS THAN TEN PER <br />CENT (10970) Or THE TERRITORY INCLUDED WITHIN ITS PRESENT <br />CITY LIMITS, WHICH SAID TERRITORY LIES ADJACENT TO AND <br />ADJOINS THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />PARIS, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING ZONING FOR SAID TERRITORY. <br />WHE~EAS, a public hearing before the City Council of the <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas, where all interested persons were pro- <br />vided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed annexation of <br />the following described property: <br />Situated in Lamar County, Texas, being a part of the <br />Joseph Ames Survey and being a part of the Old Municipal <br />Airport of the City of Paris, Texas, and being a part of the <br />land described as the First Tract in the deed from the City <br />of Paris, Texas, to the Paris, Texas Industrial Foundation <br />recorded in Book 441, Page 72 of the Deed Records of Lamar <br />County, Texas, and being more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />BEGINNING at a concrete marker located in the SBL <br />of F. M. Road 79, which marker is located at the NEC of <br />the tract of land conveyed to the City of Paris by Pearle C. <br />~ Ba.ldwin et al of record in Book 260, Page 277, of the Deed <br />Records of Lamar County, Texas, and being in the present <br />City Limit Line; <br />THENCE N 79 ° 39' W a distance oE 1, 687. 21 feet <br />along the SBL of said F. M. Road 79 to an iron pin for a <br />corner; said pin being 101. 38 feet S 79-39 E of the NWC <br />of the said Baldwin to City of Paris tract. This corner <br />also being the NEC oE a 5 acre tract owned by Earl <br />Leonard; <br />THENCE S 00°-52' W parallel to and 100 feet East of <br />the EBL of said Earl Leonard tract a distance of 1200.44 <br />feet to an iron pin in the NBL of Loop Highway 286, said <br />iron pin being in the present City Limit Line; <br />THENCE N 66°-51' E along the NBL of Loop Highway <br />286 and the present City Limit Line a distance of 1316. 43 <br />feet to an iron pin; <br />THENCE N 57-40 E a distance of 570.30 feet along <br />the NBL of Loop Highway 286 and the present City Limit <br />Line, to a concrete marker at the intersection of said <br />V Loop 286 and F. M. Road 79, or 19th N. W. Street. Said <br />corner being the most easterly southeast corner of the <br />Baldwin to the City of Paris tract; <br />THENCE N 11-15 W continuing with the present City <br />Limit Line, a distance of 75.30 feet along the WBL of <br />F. M. Road 79 and 19th N. W. Street to a concrete marker <br />and the place of beginning, and containing 25. 871 acres of <br />land, more or less. <br />was held at Paris, Texas, on the 14th day of August, 1978, which date <br />is not more than twenty nor less than ten days prior to the institution <br />of annexation proceedings; and, <br />