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1 3 PD) - ,l I <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2065 , <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION Oiti CERTAIN <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, AND THE <br />A1VNExATION OF CI?RTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING OF 457.58 ACRFS, <br />MORE OR LFSS, WHICII IS LESS THAN TEN PER CENT (10%) OF THE <br />TERRITORY INCLUDED WITHIN ITS PRESENT CITY LIMITS, Wf-iICH <br />SAID TIIZRITORY LIES AA7ACENT TO AND ADJOINS THE PRESENT <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEKAS, AND <br />PROVIDING ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS FOR THE SAME. <br />Whereas, a public hearing before the City Council of the <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas, whexe all inter ested persons were <br />provided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed <br />annexation of the following described territory: <br />Situated in the County of Lamar and State of Texas, <br />and described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the North <br />Right-of-Way Line of Spur 139 with the North East City <br />, Limit Line as established Uy Ordinance No. 1617, dated <br />February 11, 1963, said line being 600 feet North from <br />and parallel i;o the center line of the existing traffic <br />lane of Loop Highway 286 N. E. , which is the outside <br />traffic lane of the proposed four lane divided Loop 286 <br />N. E. <br />THENCE in an Ea,sterly direction along the North <br />Right-of-Way of Spur Highway 139 a distance of <br />r 2300 feet, more or less, to a point whexe said line <br />intersects the North Ea.s-t Right-of-Way Line of F. M. <br />Hi ghway 195 ; . <br />THLNCE in a North Easterly direction with i;he North <br />East Right-of-Way Line of F. M. Highway 195 a distance <br />of 3700 feet, more or less, to a point i:hat is N 59° W <br />from the North West Corner of the Buck Rader property; <br />' THENCE S 59° E a distance of 1750 feet, more or <br />less, crossing F. M. Highway 195 and continuing with <br />the North East Boundary Line of property conveyed to <br />Buck Radex and wife, Linda Rader, recorded Book 264, <br />Page 67, Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas, and <br />crossing a County Road, being an extension of 36th <br />St. N. E. and popularly lcnown as Elk Hollow Drive, to <br />a point in the West Property Line of a 79.28 acre tract <br />conveyed Robert H. McDougal, et ux, by deed recorded <br />Book 528, Page 428, Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas; <br />said point being 466 feet North of McDougal's South <br />West Corner; <br />THENCE Nox-th along the East Right-of-Way Line of <br />said County Road and the West Boundary Line of said <br />McDougal traci: a distance of 600 feet to McDougal's <br />most Westerly North West Corner and the South West <br />Corner of Boyce Reed's property; <br />THENC E East with McDougal and Reed's Common Boundary <br />Line a d.i.stance of 512 feet to an ell corner; <br />THENCE North with McDougal and Reed's Common <br />Boundary Line 531 feet to the North East Corn er of the <br />' Reed tract; said point lyiny in the South Boundary Line <br />of a County Road; <br />THIIVC E East with the South Boundary Line of said <br />County Road a distance of 1812 feet to the North East <br />Corner of the McDougal tract; <br />