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<br />ORDINANCE N0. 1789 <br />AN ORDIN.-iNCE ,1At'ENDING THE ZOPJING ORDINiiNCE OF THE CITY OF <br />P:IRIS, 'I'EX.1S, :':ND CEiNGING THE BOUND:iRIES ESTABLISHEll BY TI-LE <br />ZONING MiiP OF SAID CITY; ESTABLISHING iiN OFFICE DISTRICT ON -A <br />TRACT OF L:'1ND LOCATED :iT THE SOUTH ti+fLST INTERSECTION OF 9TH <br />STREET, S.W. ANll WEST K_'iUFM-iN STREET, OT1 PROPERTY BELONGING TO <br />L.P. McCUISTION CONIMJNITY HOSPITAL, SO AS TO INCLUDE TILEREIN <br />TERRITORY FORMLRLY DESIGN'1TED A'S ti NiULTIPLE F,1MILY DYdELLING <br />DISTRICT N0. 1; ANll DESIGNATING TIE BOUND:IRIES OF THE OFFICE <br />DISTRICT S 0 EST~BL:LSHED. <br />~ BE IT ORDcxINED BY TI-iE CITY COUNCIL OI' THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />TEXAS: <br />Section 1, That the boundaries heretofore established by the <br />Zoninr~ Map and Ordinances of the City of Paris, be, and the sarne <br />are hereuy changed, and that an OfFice District, be, and tlze same <br />is hereby established on a tract of lancl located at the South 4dest <br />intersection of gth Street, S.W. and West Kauft-tian Street, on pro- <br />perty belongin,7 to L. P. McCuistion Cornraunity Hospital, so as to in- <br />clude in such Office District the hereiizafter described property, <br />which was fori;lerly and is presently desi ;nated as a Niultiple Family <br />Dwellin~~; District No. l, and that the boundaries of said Office <br />District, be, and the sarne are hereby established as iollows: <br />Being a part of the Asa Jarr~ian Survey in the City of <br />Paris, Lamar County, Texas. <br />BLGIr1NING at the intersection of the SB line of West <br />Kaufman Street and the WB liize of T1inth Street S. W. <br />THETdCE Wes'c with the SB line of said West Kaufrnan <br />Street 296 feet rnore or les:, a stalce, the same bein;; in <br />the NW cornei^ of the FourLh Tract described in that certain <br />deed from Bill Ldhite, Trustee, t;o L, P. PicCuistion Community <br />Hospital datea December 5, 1963, recordecl in Bootc 409, Page <br />313, Lamar County Deed Records; <br />THENCE South with the WB line of said Pourth Tract <br />described in said deed :Froi1i Bill Whitc-, Trustee, 142 feet <br />i;lore or less a stake, the sair:e beinm in Lhe SW corner of <br />said tract irom Bill 6dhite, Trustee; <br />THENCE East 11E0 z'eet ino~.°e or less a stake in the <br />SE corizer of the Third Tract described in said deed fro<<z <br />Bill tidhite, Trustee, also beinF; in the L•dB line of tha'u <br />certain tr•ac ~ de scribed in deed dated Nov. 15, 1964 fro-cil <br />John A. WriE;ht et, ux to L.P. McCuistion COll:ii_L1n1LJ Hospital <br />recorded in Book 423, Page 109, Lar~:ar Coun'uy Deecl Records. <br />TIIENCE South 35.6 i'eet more or less a stal:e, being <br />the SW corner of that certain lot describecl ii7 deed frora <br />John A. Wrir;ht et ux. <br />THENCE Ea2t 145 feet rnore or ]_ess a stake in the <br />VZB line of gth Street S.W., also being the SE corner of <br />that certairi lot ctescribed in said deed f'rotn john A. Gdright. <br />THENCE 1lortn 183.8 feet 'inore or• less to the place of <br />ber;innin£; . <br />The f o-reo;oinM description includes those iour tracts <br />of land described in said deeci i'i or,. Bill WhJ1_te, Trustee, <br />to L. P. McCuistion Coriimunity Hospital appearinp; of record <br />in Book 409, Farr;e 31', Larnar County Deed t~ecords, and <br />That tr•act of land described in deecl dated Jan. 16, <br />1964, froin Herbert T. rodfre,y to L.P. McCuistion Corrriiunity <br />Hospital appearing of record in I3ook 411, Page 232, Larnar <br />County Deed llecorcls, and <br />That certain tract described in deed dated Novernber <br />16, 196LE froin John A. tidright et ux to L.P. McCuistion <br />Colnriiunity Hospitu.1 appeariizr; of record in Book 1E23, Par;e <br />169, Lainar CounLy Deed Records. <br />