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Thence West with the N. B. Line of Center Street to the South <br />West Corner of a tract belonging to the Southern Paper Box Company; <br />Thence North with their W. B. Line to the North W est C orner <br />thereof; <br />Thence Eas t to the W est Right of W ay Line of the St. Louis & <br />San Francis co Rail.way; <br />Thence North with the W. B. Line of said Railway Right of W ay <br />to the N. B. Line of Loop Highway No. 286; <br />Thence West with the N. B. Line of said Loop Highway to the <br />South Weat Corner of the Campbell Soup Connpany properties; <br />Thence North with the W. B. Line of the Campbell Soup Company <br />- properties, a distance of 600 feet from the center line of Loop <br />Highway No. 286, the outside lane thereof; <br />Thence West and South with said center line ancl parallel, a <br />' distance of 600 feet therefrom to the W. B. Line of what is known <br />as the Lake %Road; <br />Thence 5'axth with the W. B. Line of the Lake Road, which Lake <br />Road is an extension of 19th Street, N. W. to the South West Corner <br />of a tract sold by the Gity of Paris to the Paris 1'ndustrial Foundation; <br />Thence West to Lhe South West Corner of the Tndustrial Foundation <br />property; <br />Thence North to the S. B. Line of the outside loop of Loop Highway <br />No. 286; <br />Thence North and East to a point 5 feet West of {:he aforesaid line <br />running on the W. B. Line of Lake Road; <br />Thence North and a parallel distance of 5 feet with said W. B. <br />Line of said Lake Road to a point 600 feet North of the center line of <br />the outside loop of Loop Highway No. 286; <br />Thence South and West with said center line and at a distance of , <br />600 feet parallel to said center line to the N. B. Line of U. S. Highway <br />No. 82; <br />Thence West with U. S. Highway No. 82 to a point immediately <br />Noxth o£ the E. B. Line of the Gordon Lake Road; <br />/Thence 5:outh with the E. B. Line of the Gordon Lake Road to a <br />point immediately East of the N. B. Line of Sherman 5treet; <br />Thence Eas t to the N. B. Line of Sherxnan Street, the mos t W es te rn <br />, South West Corner of the present City Limit Lines of the City of Paris. <br />, i <br />That the above property shall be taken into the City Limits under the <br />following zoning clasaification: <br />Residential, as provided for in Zoning Ordinanca No. 1122. <br />The inhabitants within said annexed territory are and shall hereafter be, , <br />entitled to enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities of citizens of the <br />City of Paris, and all laws, ordinances, rules, resolutions, acts, and regula- <br />tions of said City now in force in said City of Paris, and that may be here- <br />after passed, ahall be and are in full force and effect in said territory hereby <br />annexed and admitted. <br />Section 2. (a) That the present boundaries of Ward One of the City of <br />plris, be, and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and include <br />wi.thin said Ward One that portion of the above described property, beginning <br />at the 5outh East Corner of the W estinghouse property and axtending East and <br />North to the Soutlz Boundary Line of U. S. Highway 82 East, and the same is <br />hereby incorporated in said Ward One of the Gity of Paris. <br />(b) That the present boundaries of Ward Four of the City of Paris, be, <br />and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and include within said <br />Ward Four all of said property which is described as beginning at the South <br />Boundary Line of U. S. Highway 82 East, and in a North Westerly direction to <br />the most Northern East Boundary Line of the present City Limits of Paris, <br />and the same is hereby incorporated in Ward Four of the City of Paris. <br />