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S <br />Thence in a Southwesterly direction along the North <br />Boundary Line of the T& P Railroad at 371. 58 teet the <br />East Boundary Line of F. M. Highway No. 137, continuing <br />on a total distanc e of 217 3. 58 feet to the Southwest corner <br />of the Babcock and Wilcox property; <br />Thence North along the West Boundary Line of the <br />Babcock and Wilcox property a distance of 2247 fee t to a <br />point, the Northwes t corner of the B& W property; <br />Thence East along the North Boundary Line of the <br />B& W property a distance of 2204. 5 feet to a point, said <br />point being 307. 5 feet West of the most Northerly North- <br />east corner of the B& W property; <br />Thence North along a common boundary line which is <br />586 feet more or less West of the West Boundary Line <br />of 19th St. S. W. or F. M. Hig hway No. 137 a dis tanc e of <br />2005 feet more or less to a point in the existin.g City <br />Lixnit Line that is 200 feet South of the South Boundary <br />Line of West Sherman Street; <br />Thence West along the existing City Limit Line a <br />distance of 586 feet more or less to a corner of the <br />existing City Limits; a point in the West Boundary Line <br />of 19th St. S. W,; <br />Thence No rth along the West Boundary Line of 19th <br />S t. S. W. and the axi.s ting C ity Limits a dis tanc e of 200 <br />feet to a corner of the existing Citp Limits, a point in the <br />5outh Boundar y Line of West Sherman Street; <br />Thence East along the South Boundary Line of West <br />Sherman 5treet and the existing City Limits a distance of <br />430 feet to the place of beginning and conta.ining 0. 262 <br />square miles of land more or less. <br />That the above property shall be taken into the City Limits under the <br />follow ing c las s ifications : <br />Allof the area North of the North Boundary Line of <br />Brown Avenue and what would be an extension thereof, 350 <br />feet East af F. M. Hi.ghway No. 137, s ha lI be annex ed into <br />the City under the zoning classification of R.esidential under <br />Zoning Ordinance No. 1122. <br />All of the area extending South of the North Bounda ry <br />Line of Br own Avenue, and the Eastward extension thereof, <br />shall be annexed into the City Limits under the zoning classi- <br />fication of Unrestricted District under Zoning Ordinance No. <br />1122. <br />The inhabitants within said annexed territory are and shall hereafter <br />be entitled to enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities of citize ns of ~ <br />the City of Paris, and all laws, ordinances, rules, resolutions, acts, and <br />regulation$ of said City now in force in said City of Paris, and that may be <br />hereafter passed, shall be and are in full force and effect in said territory <br />hereby annexed and admitted. <br />Se+ction Z. That the present boundaxies of Ward Two of the City of <br />Pa.ris, be, and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and include <br />within said Ward Two all of said property which is desc ribed ab ove, and the <br />same is hereby incorporated in said Ward Two of the City of Paris. <br />