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ORDINANCE NO, 1569 . <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING, ADMITTING, AND INCORPORATING <br />ADDfTIONAL TERRITORIES IN LAMAR COUNTY, TEXAS, LYING AD-,, <br />JACENT TO THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, INTO AND AS A PART OF <br />SAID CI'I'Y OF PARIS, TEXAS; EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, SO AS TO INCLUDE AND EMBRACE SAID <br />ADJACENT TERRITORIES; CONFERRING ALL RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES <br />AND IMMUNITIES OF CITIZENSHIP UPON THE INHABITANTS OF SAID <br />TERRITORIES; EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF WARD 4, WARD 1, <br />AND WARD 3, SO AS TO EMBRACE AND INCLUDE ALL OF SAII? <br />TERRITORIES AND INCORPOR.ATING THE SAME IN SAID WARDS 4, <br />1, AND 3; PROVIDING THAT ALL QRDINANCES, RULES, R.EGULATIONS, <br />AND LAWS IN EFFECT IN THE CITY OF PA.R.IS, AND THAT MAY HERE- <br />AFTER BE PASSED, IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT IN SAID TERRI- <br />TORIES AFTER PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE; INSTRUCTING THE <br />CITY ENGINEER TO MAKE A SURVEY FIXTNG AND ESTABLISHING THE <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY IN ACCORDANCE HEREWITH, AND <br />TO CONSTRUCT A COMPLETE MAP OF SUCH TERRITORIES SHOWING <br />THE STREETS, ALLEYS, LOTS, TR.ACTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS, <br />AND TQ FILE THE SAME WITH THE CITY CLERK AND TO CQR.RECT <br />THE MAP OF THE CITY OF PAR.IS SO AS TO ADD SUCH TERRITORIES <br />THERETO; AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY ASSESSOR_AND COLLECTOR <br />OF TAXES TO LIST ALL PROPERTY THEREIN AND TO PLACE SAME <br />ON THE TAX ROLLS OF THE CITY OF PARIS AND HEREAFTER <br />ASSESS SAME FOR TAXES IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAW. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PA RIS : <br />Section 1. That the following described territories in Lamar <br />County, Texa s, lying adjacent to the present boundary limits of the <br />City of Paris, be, and the same are hereby annexed to the City of <br />Paris and admitted into the corporation of such CitiT, and are hereby <br />made and constituted a part and portion of the City of Paris, and the <br />boundary limits of the City of Paris are hereby extended, so as 'to in- <br />clude and embrace said territories, and to conform to same as herein <br />set out, to-wit: <br />Situated in the County of Lamar anfl State of Texas, and <br />described, as follows: <br />TRACT 1: Beginning at a point in the South B. Line of Loop <br />Highway 286, 500 ft. East of the E. B;.L. of `U. S. Highway No. <br />271, and the same being the p'resent'most Northerly N.E. <br />corner of the City Limits as now established. <br />Thence in a Northerly direction parallel to and 500 feet <br />East of the E. B. L. of U. S. Highway 271 or North Main Street <br />a di~stance of 2012 feet more or less to a point in the N. B. L. <br />of a tract of land known as the <br />"Pear nrchard Property'; <br />Thence in a Northwesterly direction along the N. B. L. of <br />the Pear Orchard a distance of 500 feet to a point in the E. B. i,.,• <br />of U. S. Highway No. 271 or North Main Street. <br />Thence West perpendicular to U. S. Highway No. 271 to a <br />point in the E. B. L. of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railrcgd,,. <br />Thence in a Southerly direction along the E. B. L. of the St. <br />Louis and San Francisco Railroad to the intersection of the <br />E. B. L. of the said railroad and the S. B. L. of Loop Highway <br />286, said point being the most Northerly N. W. corner of the <br />City Limits as now er,tablished. <br />Thence in an Easterly direction along the present City <br />Limit Line and the S. B7, L. of Loop Highway 286 to the place <br />of beginning and containing .126 square miles of land. <br />