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orDzranrrcE NuN2s;ER 122:7 <br />AN ORDIPIANCF ANNLXIDIG, ADb4IT'PIPdG A1'dD _T.NCORPORATTNG ADDITI0N1lL TERFiITORY <br />IN LArAAR COUNTY LYZNG ADJACLhT TO TtIL CITY OF PAIiIS, TEi:AS, INTO APIll 1!S <br />PA1IT OI' SAID CI7.'Y OP' PAItIS, EXZ'Ei1DING THL BOUPDAI:Y LlMI'1'S OF `rHL CIT`i OF. EILRT:S <br />SO A5 TO INCLUDE Arlll Ln-tl3lttlCE 5A:LU AUJACEidT IF;RRI`POT{Y, CONFEH.hING ALL F;IGIiTS, <br />PIZIVILL+rrI:S AI\iD I14IlvlUNTTZIS UF CI`1'IZENSHTP UPON '1'IlE INHAF3II'ANTS OF SAIll TERR:ITUItY, <br />EXTLPIDIPJG TfIE BOUPJDAfCI OF NARD T~'~'J SO AS TO O:1B1ZllCE AP1D INCLUDE SAIll 7.'ERMORY <br />NVD INCORPORATIIdG St1IE, IN YdARD TViU OF SAIU CI`i'Y, PROVII)TNCT TFIAT ALL 0ltDIP1ANCES, <br />RULES, REGULATIOTIS AIIU L.A',d5 IN EFFEC`P ]_N 7.'FIli CI'1'Y OF PARIS l1.A1D TIiAT IMAY IILRE- <br />Ali'TLR BE PA.SSED BL IP1 FULL FORCE ltND 1lFF7;CT 1N S1;ID T£IzRITORY AT'TEEt PASSAGE <br />THIS ORDINANCL3 INSZRUCTING TTiE CITY I;NGIPJLLR TO G,kKL A SURVff IUXTNG AND ES- <br />TABLISHING THE BOUNDARY L11idTS OP' SA:ID CITY 1N ACCORllAAICL IIERL'N~~7TH APID TO COId- <br />STRUCT A CONTPLLTE 1.1AP OF SUCI-I TLI2FIT0RY SEi01;fING S'PRt;ETS, ALi,L;YS, LOTS, 'rlt:l',C'TS <br />A.IID PROPER'i'Y OYa1EIiS !►111D TOFTLE SJ1P.4E ri1:TfI TIII, CITY CLLR.IL AND TO CURRLCT `1'fIE PfAY <br />OI' TIiE CITY OF PARI;i SO A;S `PU Allll SUCH TLR.IZITORY TIfL;RETO; A11D INSTI?UC'1'IPIG iIiL <br />CITY ASSi,SuOR ABD COLLLCTOR OF TA3'.liS TO LIST 11LL YFiOPLR'1'Y TIILR'i:Ild Al'iD PLACE <br />SNME OP1 THE TAX ROLI,S OF Tf-1L CITY OF PAftIS ADU F1I,ftE;Af"1'~R, ASSESS SIOSL .F'OR TA7iE-' <br />IN ACCORUANCE ViITH LAW. <br />HE IT ORDAIPdiI] BY T`HE CITY COUAtCIL OF '1'IiE CI`I.'Y OF YARIS: <br />v Section l. That the following described territoxy iii Lamar County, Texas, <br />adjacent to the present boundax-y 1.3_mii;s of the Ci.ty of Paris 2nd adjoining sa3.d <br />city, be and the same is hereby annexed {;o tlie City oi' Faris and admitted into <br />the corporation of such cii:JT, and is hereb3* made and constituted a part and por- <br />tion of the Cit3T of Paris a.nd the boundaxy limits of the City of _PEris axe here- <br />by er.tended so as to include and embrace said territory and to conform to same <br />as herein set out, to witt <br />BL'GTA1TdING at the interseci;ion of the E. B. line of 19th Street, S. W., with <br />the N. B. line of Sherman Street projected, same being 498 Feet South of the <br />S. B. line of Austin StrQet; thence in an Elasterly clirection 1370 Feet to the <br />Vr. B. line of 15th 5treety S. tiY. , a stal:e in the N. B. line of Sherman Street <br />projecteclj same being 455 Feet South of the S. B. line of Austin Street; thence <br />South 50 Fee1;, a stalce; thence in a YYesterly clirection parallel to and 50 Feet <br />distant from the above described East line 1370 Feet, the W. B. line of 19th <br />Street, S. W.; thence Noi•tli 50 Feet to tlie place of beginning. <br />Tlie inhabi tants vaithin said annexed. ter•ritory are ana stiall tiereafter be <br />entitled to enjoy all the rights, privileges and iuununities of citizens of the <br />City of Paris, and all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations novr in force in <br />said Cit3r of Paris, and that may be hereafter passecl, sha1.1 be and are in full <br />force and effect in said territory hereUy annexed and admitted. <br />Section 2. `l'Iiat the present bounclarics oF 17ard 1'vi0 of tlie City of Paris <br />be and the s aine are liereby extended so as to embrace and include the above <br />deacribed territorT arici property and same is hereoy incorporated in said Ward <br />Two of the City of Paris. ' <br />Section 3. The City Engineer is hereUy instructed to mal;e a complet;e survey <br />of the above describecl territoiy and t;o marlc the boundaries thereof try proper <br />monunients; and to survey., and open, uncler the direction of the City <br />lianager, a11 streets, roads, alleys and tiva3rs j.n said territorST dedicated to <br />public use; and to make and file with the City Clerk a complete map of said new],y <br />annexed territory sliosring all property 1i.nes, lots and tracts therein, together <br /> the names of the owners of same, and a].l streets, alleys, roads and vrays <br />dediciated to public use; and to immediately correct the map of the Cit,y of <br />Paris so as to add thereto the additional territory descr•ibed }ierein, inclicating <br />on such map the date of anne::ation, the number of the ordinance and reference <br />to the minutes or ordinance records of tlie City of Paris where such instrument <br />is recorded in full. <br />Section 4. Tlie City tax assessor and collector of taxds of the City of <br />Paris is hereby directed to list all lots, tracts and property situated in said <br />annexed territory on the taxrolls oi' the City of Paris and hereafter to assess <br />same Sox taxes in accordance with law. <br />