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<br />~f~..~.. "•l~l ,I I f ~ ~ ` I
<br />pO~IG
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<br />f ~r^ F
<br />()1t;DIRIAIJCI, r;cr,:t13:r,1t ~
<br />AN 011:.iIl'1AI7CE AM•7iSXt2'bG, A1:11.17T"i'ITiC: E\N1? IPI CQRi'U;,'j11'IIIG 11
<br />PORTI01i UF I,:~:';A3:2 !;C)UPITY A1),7;'1C;sT'IT `X'q `ii(F PI~:':::i]1.Id`I` CI7'Y 1_.IMTT:i
<br />YNZ'0 Aldl) A:) ,t 'Pi:R'i' 1JI' 'I'iiE CI`I'Y UF i'.1I3z8, ',;vTi.II;)IPlG TiIE D()UII-
<br />D11RY LI2aES' c)F T?(E CITY 0F 1'i1.RI::'s St) ll,i 'i'G) 7l`iCl,tJi;E ;►PI1 !t~. ".T.i.tACE'
<br />SAMEl CONFERRIT]G Al,l. ttI(}I1TS, !'RIVII,1:GE:3 ll,141) I2+tP,4UP1I1'.LFa:> OF~
<br />OIZ'IZENSFIYP iJP011 Tli~i; ZP711,1I3IT11N'P:'i !)F t;1JQH 'I'BJtRI'rOltYO IPi;,O;ii'OR.A
<br />ATINQ 5,;hii. ZI1 14A1zT) P'UJR ,Il;1I' 1~'.J1,'TlQaI)Ifl1(: TIIJ; ItUUNDA,RII.S OF l~I:lRi}
<br />FOUR 90 AS 'I'U 1:1413J2.11Ck: AIdIi I1'iCI.UU1: ::1A"•i11:9 I?RUVI:)IIdG T?I,1'I` itLL
<br />oRDxrtAMCZ,s, RT.rLa,.; .1t;r.r LAWs zri EFrrcT xra TiM (;zxY OF
<br />AN1) TIial'I' }IAY Dr :-ASS' f1D 1IFltEiiF',P3;R J3:ra Zii FUI,L FOItCE. fitdl E.F-
<br />FR{3T IP7 SAII? 'I'1.;IdI2I2'O1ZY A.FT1+;It ()P' '.['l.MS ORDIIJi1NCI+,0
<br />INSTRUCTSIIC'. 7'LlI; CITY k:NGI1lI:I.It 7.'Q : ir1ltl; t► 131JRV.i:y .i::3TAF3LISIiIII(}
<br />TI-tE OI't'Y I.,IrJIT`'3 IxJ f1CC0I3Ut121Cr fII!~'13E-WI`1']I ,'11•1'+ Tc) C;UId:;TRUG'i' A
<br />C011PI.FTI: 11AI' ()F SIJC2i T):RRITORY .`.;(I011IPfC3 5TI?'":1t';T80 AI,1:I:X.30
<br />LOTSO TRACTS AId!? j`!'t()1-'1;1tT'Y 0141'rA:) , !'iSil.) '1',) I'M; .`ilit`IL iIITIi
<br />THE CITY C7,L.ttRO r"►T(!) IIdS'.t'1tUC7'IF1C3 1'FII: t;2`I'Y JlS,:I'3;i;,QIt Ailll (;ql,•
<br />LECTUR OR 'I';',.xFa '1':; I,ji'1' :lla1, .i?1tD.i'1!t'rY VI'AC;I13 APZI) t'LACL:
<br />9AML 02t T;lis 'IAX RGLLS 01" .1,;tiJ!: c,ZTY oli' 71isRi:3 A111) fi:.Rr.&F-TER
<br />AS£;+I:59 SL1F'. FU:, 7.'i' IIt
<br />i7IiERE1'wS, on $?io 13tki day caf June, 1fl49 o tlto City
<br />Gounoil oP the City o£ .eIar.le, at ci rogular Meotinp, i;tiar~aof~
<br />Voted tliot tlin }lareiI14ft9x' clesarib0d praperty adjqoent to
<br />and adjoining tlao Ctty af Paria Uo tinnaxed to the c%itY of
<br />Parie oLnd inoorpornr.nd na a pas.•t thereofl novr, therefore,
<br />DF :tT OltIitlIPtP;ll 13Y '1'iiE CT'I'X GUt.JI!CII. OE' 'PI{E CITY UF ,:1ARI3:
<br />seotion '1`lir.it the fo].J.owing describoci tarritory and
<br />property in La«ar Uaunty, 'i'exae, acijnoaut to unci acljoinin6
<br />the proeent o1.ty lin.ita of ttia City of i'arist be arid the
<br />same le hereby anztaxed to tliv City of !7nris aitid aclraitted
<br />into the cnrporation of auo)i i%ity, aricI 1A Iiereby rnaQo nnd
<br />aonetitiutea npnrt and -poxtlon of tlzo city or ilaria nna
<br />the boundary. limib A oS t lie (j1ty af Pnri a jinratofore eaigt ing
<br />are heruby oatvndad an ua tv inalucla arid embraoe suid tvr-
<br />ritory and to donform to aama an liorein aot out!
<br />Deginning nt tha j,reaent ooi•,.lox•ctto limitB, eamo
<br />boing 200 feet rrartli aS the Ptorth boundary 11ne
<br />o~ Clorzar.nt Rnud un(a ?UO foet Eaat of tlie i;. IIe
<br />line of J,orth muin E3troot ; thonoo Laet 4500 Poet
<br />ta a point ?OU foat Luat oi the E. B. lino of
<br />15th :itreot 11. lti, i tlionae South 2530 foet to
<br />a point 200 foot rJartli of tho II. B. 11no of
<br />I3lalce F2ond i thonae T:apt 1360 taot to a point
<br />200 feot Laet af the L, F3e lino af ?Oth Stroat,
<br />N. lr. , formorly d? fi ,natod a~+ 1,lne A1uf f Road:
<br />thonoe 9outh 3300nthv pronont aorporate .
<br />limib cortier, at t1io 11. I3, lino of proporby
<br />formerl.y owned by :'ii11 Russ411, namo bning the
<br />S. D. lino of Emmu Itothorurri pro,portys thonoo
<br />ivitli preaent corporate 1ijnits T-Jeet, Piorth, f,eet,
<br />Southo ;;oot, South, r',oet, ldortth, rnat, rlorth, ;'iebt, 2dorth,
<br />East, IloxthlWoat,Narb}i, 1'Jpstg Sout2ig 'O'~eot, rJorth,
<br />;.ciet, 8out}ioaat, 2lortti, 16ost, Soutli, i:`eot,
<br />