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- qg <br />Odvrler <br />CHARTER OF THE CITY OF PARIS- <br />ARTICIE I <br />INCQ3PORATION: FCRM CF GOVERNMENT: TERRITORY <br />Incorporation <br />Section l. The inhabitants of the City of Paris, within the oorporate <br />limits as noH astabliehed or as hereafter estaalished in the mnner provided by <br />this charter, shall continue to be a municipal bocy politic and corporate in <br />perpetuity, urder the name of the "City of Paris". <br />Form of Government <br />Section 2. The municipal govarnment provided by this charter shall be <br />known as the "council-manager government". Pursuant to ita provisions and sub- <br />;Sect only to the limitations imposed by the state constitution and by thia <br />charter, all powers of the city shall be vested in an elective council, herein- <br />after referred to as "the oouncil", which shall enact local legislation, adopt <br />bndgets, determine policies, arri employ the city manager, r+ho shall executa the <br />laxs and administer the goverivrent of the city. All ponrers of the city shall <br />be exercised in tha manner prescribed by this charter, or if the manner be not <br />prescribed, then in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance. <br />Boundariea <br />Section 3. The bourda and limits of the City oS Paris are hereby estab- <br />lished arri described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the SW corner of the Corporate Limits, as described in City <br />Charter, Section No. 2, adopted 1905, said beginning point being 240 Rods <br />West of a point 400 Rods Sauth ot the ceriter of the Public Sqt.are, as now <br />knoxn and designated in the City of Paris, <br />THLNCE East with the original SB line of the City of Paris 4296 feet, a <br />corner, being 200 feet West of the WB line of State Highway No, 24; thence <br />in a Southwesterly direction parallel to and 200 feet distarrt, from Highway <br />a distance of 2640 feet; thence East crossing new State Highway No, 24, <br />continuing croasing Old State Highway No, 24 to a oorner 200 feet East of <br />the EB lina of old State Highway No, 24; thence North parallel to and 200 <br />feat diatant from the EB line of old State Highway No. 24, also desi.gnated <br />South Church Street, to a corner in the SB line of the original Corporate <br />Limits; thence East with the original Corporate boundary line 4609 feet, a <br />cornar, being the SE corner of the original Carporate LiJrnts as described <br />in City Charter adopte d in 1905; thence North with EB line of original <br />Corporate limits 3020 feet; thence East 100 feet; thenca North 150 feet; <br />thence West 100 Teet; thenca North 150 Seet, a corner, being 200 feat Swth <br />of the SB line of Polk Street; thence East 880 feet, the EB line of 19th <br />Street, S.i:.; thenca South 224 feet; thenca East 127,5 feet; thence North <br />224 feet; thence East 1060 feet parallel to and 200 feet distant fran the <br />SB line of Polk Streat, the WB line of Noyes Avenue; thence North with WB <br />line of Noyes Awnue, crassing Polk Street, in all North 240 feat, the SL <br />corner of Barney Bray property; thence West 100 feet, the SW corner of <br />Barney Bray property; thence North 500 feet, the NW corner of Barney Bray <br />lot, same being the SB line of Clarksville Street; thence in a Southeasterly <br />direction with SB line of Clarksville Street 165 feet, the NW corner of <br />Junior Collage property; thence South with the EB lirie of Noyes Avenue 1200 <br />feet, a cornar; • thence West 980 feet with the NB line of Jackson Street, a <br />corner; thence South 600 feet, a corner in the NH line caf T. & P. R. R. <br />right of way, same being the SW corner cif College Heights Addition; thence <br />