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electronic copy to post on the website; we are ]ooking to receive all the <br />information in about three weeks. <br />C. Phase II Airport im.provements <br />Shawn Napier stated the estimate came in and we will have to fund with <br />TXDOT and their regional budget will be $1,530,000, the City will be responsible <br />for 10% of that. We are currently under budget for the runway project; TXDOT <br />Aviation is showing us to have a credit of $88,000. The $153,000 less the $88,000 <br />credit at TXDOT will be a lot less money we have to actually to come up with. <br />4. Report_ fr•om Jerry Richey, Airport Manager. <br />Scott stated they have all taxi ways re-striped; they received a bid on re-carpeting the <br />terminal building. Smith Carpet won the bid and they will be starting on May 31. They <br />are also looking at painting the terminal and ordering office equipment. Jerry Richey is <br />getting the street light bulbs replaced. <br />5. Request items forfuture agendas. There were none. <br />6. Adjourned at 5:50 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 181h DAY OF AUGUST, 2011. <br />~ <br />/1"~I <br />Chairman <br />- 19 <br />