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Paris Economic Development Corporation <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 9, 2011 <br />Board Members Staff Steve Gilbert, PEDC <br />Present: Pike Burkhart, Sr. Present: Shannon Barrentine, PEDC <br />Doug Wehrman Shawn Napier, City Engineer <br />Rick Poston <br />Bruce Carr <br />Kenny Dority <br />Ex-officio Members Guest(s) <br />Present: Mindy Moree, Chamber President Present: <br />Legal <br />CounseL• Kent McIlyar <br />City Council <br />Liaison: John Wright <br />Connie Beard, The Paris News <br />Fred Green, R3bi Incubator Director <br />Edwin Pickle, Paris City Council <br />Pike Burkhart, called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. Pike welcomed those present. <br />Minutes from July 28, 2011, Regular Board meeting were reviewed. The Minutes were approved, <br />as submitted, by a motion from Doug Wehrman; seconded by Rick Poston. Motion Carried 5-0. <br />Financial reports for July, 2011 were approved, as submitted, by a motion from Kenny Dority; <br />seconded by Doug Wehrman. Motion Camed 5-0. <br />Steve Gilbert stated that since it wasn't long since the last Board roeeting (July 28h) and just <br />finished up a Work Session for the 2011-12 Plan of Work, he would report updates in Executive Session. <br />Discussion and possible action regarding line of credit for Paris EDC. Steve reported that Capital <br />One had commissioned Attorney, A.W. Clem, to produce the official documents to approve a$2 million <br />dollar line of credit. Mr. Clem will forward the docwnent to the City Attorney, Kent Mcllyar, prior to <br />BoardlCity Council approvaL Motion to table this item was made by Rick Poston; seconded by Bruce <br />Carr. Motion Carried 5-0. <br />Note: Mindy Moree left the meeting at 3:10 p.m. <br />Discussion and possible actian regarding the proposed Plan of Work for 2011-12. Based on the <br />Work Session that occurred earlier in the day, Bruce Carr made a motion to table this item until the <br />November Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Rick Poston. Motion Carried 5-0. <br />Discussion and passible action regarding appointment of PEDC Board member to serve on Red <br />River Region Business Incubator (R3bi) Board. Steve stated that Doug Wehrman had expressed an interest <br />in serving on the R3bi Board. Motion was made by Bruce Carr to appoint Doug Wehrman to the Red <br />River Region Business Incubator Board; secanded by Kenny Dority. Motion Carried 5-0. <br />25 <br />