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HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PARIS <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING <br />100 GEORGE WRIGHT HOMES <br />May 15, 2004 <br />12:30 p.m. <br />C'hairman JeC['Hoo~ called the meeting to order as 12:45 p.m. with the following Qoard <br />mcmhcrs presenL Kathlecn Edge and Annette Grant. Also attending was Executive Director <br />Dcnn_y f Icad, Assistant Dircctor Sally Gibson, and Lcgal Council T.K. Hayncs. <br />T.K. f-layncs swcars in ncw board membcr Myrich Browning. <br />C hairman Jcff t loop, asked for a molion to accept the minutes from the May 28, 2004 boarcl uC <br />commissioncrs mccting. Motion was madc by Kathlccn Fdgc and sccondcd by Annctlc Grant. <br />Motion Was unanimous 4-0. <br />( hairman JcCf Hoog asl<ed if there was any furthcr business and there being nonc asl<cd [oi- a <br />motion to acjjourn thc mccting. Motion was madc by and Rick Poston sccondcd by Kalhlccn <br />I:d"c. McctiM' acljowrncd at 1:30 p.m. <br />Appi'ovCd this 15th day of Junc, 2004. <br />Chairman; Jeff Hoog <br />l)ennv IZ. Head; Secretary <br />