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100 GEORGE WRIGHT HOMES <br />June 15, 2004 <br />12:30 p.m. <br />C'hairman Jcff Hoog called the meeting to order as 12:45 p.m. with the following boau-d mcmbers <br />prescnt: Kathlccn Ecige and Annette Grant Also attending was Executive Dircctor Denny I Icad, <br />Assistant Dircctor Sally Gibson, and Lcgal Cotincil T.K. Haynes. <br />F.K. 1 layncs swcars in ncw board mcmbcr Myrick Browning. <br />( hairman JcCf Iloo,_., asked for a motion to accept the minutes from the May 28, 2004 boarcl of- <br />commissioners mceting. Motion was made by Kathlecn Edge and seconded by nnnette (;rant. <br />Motion Was unanimous 4-0. <br />Itcni 2004-030- Rci,isions !o Aclmissrons & Occupunc.l' Policv: The Paris Housing Authority has <br />an Aclmissions ancl Occupancy Policy and such policy is in need of revisions. Revisions were <br />macle to include thC community service program. Chairman Jeff Hoog asked for a motion to <br />acccpt rc\isions to thc Admissions and Occupancy Policy. Motion was made by Kathlccn Edgc <br />anci scconclr(i hy Anncttc Grant. Motion passcd 4-0. <br />Itrm 2004-031-.,Inirrru113uclnct Kei~isions- Dcnny Hcaci infonned the board that thc hudgct for <br />?OO4-?OO5, prcparcd by Robert Yeager & Associate, was presented to the board. ('hairman Jcff <br />t-loog asl:cci Ior a motion to acccpt thc ncw bLidgct. Motion was made by Kathlccn [?dgc and <br />sccondc(l hy Anncttc Grant. Motion was unanimous 4-0. <br />llrni 2004-0 3?- ilclminrstraiivc, Yolrcv- Denny Heacl in[ornied the board that the Paris Housin(y <br />Authority haci in it's posscssion a Administrative Policy and such policy was in ncccl oC <br />rcvisions. Each board mcmber was presented a copy o['the Administrative Policy. IefC Hoo(, <br />asl:cd f'or a molion to acccpt Administrativc Policy. Motion was madc by Kathlccn Ecil(,c and <br />scconclal by AnncUc Granl. Motion passcd 4-0. <br />ltcm 2004-033- 11'rilc O/f'.,;- Dcnny Hcad prescntcd a copy oi'thc writc oCi's Cor thc ycar 2004. <br />'I'hc amaunl of thc writc of(s camc totalcd $1,756.20. JcfCHoog askcd for a motion to writc off <br />~ 1,750?O. Motion was madc by Kathlcen Edgc aiicl secondcd by Annctte GranL Motion passcd <br />4-U. <br />('hairman Jeff f-1oo(, asl<ed if thcre was any fuether husiness and there being none askccl for a <br />motion to acijourn the meetin(-'. Motion was made by and Kathlecn Edge secondecl by Annettc <br />Gr~~nt. Mcctin,,, adjournccl at 1:45 p.m. <br />