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WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission did, on August 2, 2004, at 5:30 p.m., <br />conduct a public hearing on said proposed amendment to the City zoning ordinance and, following <br />said hearing, made formal recommendation to the City Council regarding said proposed change; and, <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris did, on August 5, 2004, at 6:00 p.m., <br />subsequently conduct a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to the City zoning <br />ordinance, and having considered the recommendations of the Paris Historic Preservation <br />Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission and the testimony and evidence introduced <br />at said public hearings, found and determined that approving the aforesaid zoning change would be <br />consistent with the comprehensive plan of the City of Paris, consistent with the City zoning ordinance, <br />and in the best interests and to the benefit of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of <br />the city of Paris; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, <br />TEXAS: <br />Section 1. That the findings set out in the preamble to this ordinance are hereby in all things <br />approved. <br />Section 2. That the boundaries heretofore established by the Zoning Map and Ordinance No. <br />1710 of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, be, and the same are hereby, changed, and that an HISTORIC <br />OVERLAY DISTRICT NO. 2(HD-2) be, and the same is hereby, established on a portion of the <br />City generally bounded by E. Kaufman Street on the north, 3rd Street S.E. on the east, a distance <br />north of Hearne Avenue on the south, and 1 st Street S. W. extending to a distance east of 3rd Street <br />S.W. on the west, as recommended by the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION and the <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, so as to include in such HISTORIC OVERLAY <br />DISTRICT NO. 2(HD-2) the hereinafter described property, while preserving the respective existing <br />use and zoning designations of the property included therein; and that the boundaries of said <br />HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT NO. 2(HD-2) be, and the same are hereby, established as <br />follows: <br />SITUATED within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, County of Lamar, <br />and State of Texas, being the Downtown area of the City of Paris with the boundaries <br />of said Historic Overlay District No. 2(HD-2) tying into the existing Historic District <br />established in Ordinance No. 2003-023 as shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto, and <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br />Starting at the intersection of W. Sherman Street and lst Street S.W., then <br />south along lst Street S.W. to Hearne Avenue, then east along Hearne Avenue to S. <br />Church Street, then north along S. Church Street to Kaufman Street. This is the <br />general description of the area with the following additions and exclusions: <br />-2- <br />