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PEDC Regular Meeting <br />June 16, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />name of two TxDOT people that he would like for Mr. Vest to meet with while <br />he is in Austin, James Bass, who is head of all the finance for TxDOT and he <br />handles all the toll feasibilities and pass through tolls, and Phillip Russell, who <br />is in charge of the Texas Turnpike Authority. <br />Mr. Vest admitted that the prospect activity had been a little slow, but it was <br />slow all over Texas right now. <br />Director Dunn called for consideration of and action on approving the Annual <br />Plan of Work outlining the activities, tasks, projects, and programs to be <br />undertaken by the Board during the fiscal year 2004-2005. <br />Executive Director Vest brought the PEDC's attention to the Annual Report. <br />He indicated there was a good advertising campaign for 2003-2004, which <br />generated quite a few leads. The leads they got from trade shows mostly came <br />from the Food & Packaging Trade Show. He said they also advertised in <br />different magazines. He explained this year, the PEDC will not advertise in <br />any of those publications, as a cost cutting measure. He went on to say they <br />will do some direct mail campaigns and will continue to be in the business <br />guides in Dallas. He reminded them that the billboard is still up on Interstate <br />30 and they plan to keep that up for this next year. <br />Mr. Vest related that he and Erik attended several trades shows on different <br />industries and that they also belonged to several associations and groups that <br />they deal with on a regular basis. <br />According to the report, there were seven (7) prospect leads which generated <br />three (3) visits. He indicated the report was just a summary of last year's <br />activity. He mentioned some of the projects they came up with last year were <br />C-Tech, Campbell's Soup, the Industrial Park, Hearne Street, and the post card <br />mail out. He explained that they sent out about 20,000 post cards in a direct <br />mail campaign, which generated quite a few leads. <br />