<br />
<br />-
<br />
<br />"'0",. "'," 0 " '"
<br />
<br />,i,"",""",," -' "
<br />
<br />215 Legal Notices
<br />
<br />
<br />HARPER, LP. as Construction
<br />Manager for Prairiland ISO, In-
<br />vites qualified bidders to submit
<br />¡J proposal for the New Prairl.
<br />Jand High School Field House.
<br />
<br />PROJECT: New Field House
<br />18,OOOsf). Work will Include
<br />earthWork. site utilities, termite
<br />control, concrete, masonry,
<br />metal building. Insulation,
<br />rough carpentry, millwork,
<br />building sealants, hollow met.
<br />al doors and frames, rolling
<br />overhead doors, doors and
<br />hardware, storefront, glass &
<br />glazing, drywall, acoustical
<br />ceiling. resilIent nooring and
<br />carpet FRP panels, painting.
<br />viSual display bOards, toilet par.
<br />titions, Signage, /ockers, fire ex.
<br />tinguishers, toilet accessories,
<br />plumbing, HVAC, and electri.
<br />cal,
<br />
<br />BONDING: If the proposed
<br />subcontract price is S25,OOO or
<br />abOve, the subcontractor must
<br />show written evidence that
<br />they are able to bond and to
<br />provide an additional cost to
<br />provide the Payment and Per.
<br />formance Bonds, If the pro.
<br />posed subcontract price Is be-
<br />low S25,OOO. the subcontrac.
<br />
<br />~;n7'~~~ ~~;:'~~~~d~o~1s:
<br />
<br />be paid via Joint check with
<br />their supplies or have thiS re-
<br />quirement waived by an omcer
<br />.,o.f Che company, all at the sole
<br />"iscretion of the company.
<br />
<br />be oÞtained by contacting Har.
<br />rison, Walker & Harper, LP
<br />ATTN: Robert Black. Estimating
<br />Coordinator 1903)783-3637,
<br />Fax proposals are acceptable
<br />with original to follow to 1903)
<br />785.1792 or /903) 784-1471.
<br />Please keep up to date on new
<br />addenda's Issued on this proj-
<br />ect' by accessing
<br />hrm'llwww wl'bulltU1wh com
<br />auestions may be directed to
<br />cwIlnerd~Þulld-hwh com or
<br />you may call 1800) 442-8326 or
<br />/903) 785-1653 for local calls. '
<br />
<br />posals are due 2:00 p,m.
<br />Thursday. August 19.
<br />ZO04. PrOpoSals will be
<br />opened privately and may be
<br />faxed to /903) 785-179~ or
<br />(903) 784.147 J. The
<br />Owner/CM reserves the right
<br />to waive any Informality or to
<br />reject :tny or all proposals, ¡&JI
<br />proposafs shall remain good
<br />and may not be withdrawn for
<br />60 calendar days.
<br />
<br />,-
<br />
<br />The CIty of ParIs will receive
<br />proposals at the office or the,
<br />City Manager. City of Paris.
<br />P.O. Box 9037. Paris, Texas
<br />75461.9037 tor the CIty's an-
<br />nual outside audit for Che peri-
<br />od ending September 30,
<br />2004,
<br />
<br />! :
<br />
<br />" ~-~ ..LI.
<br />
<br />215 Legal Notices
<br />
<br />...from previous column
<br />3;00 P.M" Tuesday, AuguSt I ,
<br />2004, at which time all pro s'
<br />als received will be opene ,
<br />tabulated, and referred 10 t e
<br />City Manager. Proposals w II
<br />then be referred to the Ci y
<br />Council for consideration.
<br />
<br />The City ørParis reserves t e
<br />right to r<:ject any or all pro.
<br />als, to waive any Informali
<br />and to award as may be adva
<br />tageous to the City of Paris,
<br />
<br />Mattie Cunningham,
<br />Oty Clerk. City of Paris.
<br />Paris, Texas
<br />
<br />The CommIssioner's Court f
<br />Lamar County is requesting a
<br />audit proposal by Certified Pu
<br />lie Accountants for an Ind.
<br />pendent audit of the financl I
<br />records of Lamar County r r
<br />the fiscal years ending Septe
<br />ber 30, 2004 and Septemb r
<br />30,2005.
<br />
<br />The audit proposal should I .
<br />clude the following specific,
<br />tions: '
<br />
<br />I. General background of th
<br />orreror or the orrering firm a
<br />ItS principals and stati' membe s
<br />expected to be assigned to th
<br />audit;
<br />
<br />2. Offeror's relevant exper.
<br />ence, Including representati
<br />clienlllsting and references;
<br />
<br />The proposal should be sent t
<br />the County Auditor, 119 .
<br />Main, Room 202, Paris, Tex s
<br />75460, The Commissioner
<br />Court will accept the proposa
<br />on Monday, AuguSt 16, 200 ,
<br />at 10:00 AM. Further Info
<br />tion to aid In completing yo r
<br />proposal may be oÞtained rro
<br />the Auditor's Office at the
<br />mar County Courthouse Ann ,
<br />
<br />The Commissioner's Court r . .
<br />serves the right to reject any r
<br />all proposals and to waive m.
<br />nor technicalities.
<br />
<br />Kevin Parsons
<br />County Auditor
<br />
<br />rublle Notlncatlon of
<br />Nondiscrimination In
<br />Career and Technology
<br />,Education Programs
<br />
<br />I, Paris Independent Scho I
<br />District orrers Career an
<br />Technology Education pr .
<br />grams In Agriculture Sclenc
<br />and Technolog ,
<br />Business/Computer Educatio ,
<br />Health Science Technology E
<br />ucation. Family and ConIum r
<br />Sciences Educa~on, Technol
<br />gy Education/InduStrial Tec
<br />~~~0?Xd~rrl~1~"rJ~c;~~n~raã'
<br />mission to these programs
<br />based on career Interests, ap .
<br />tudes, specIal Ihterest. abili ,
<br />age appropriateness and claSS
<br />space available,
<br />I
<br />2, It Is the policy Of Paris loot
<br />pendent School District not tll
<br />CIIscrimlnate on basis of racd,
<br />color, national origin, sex, ~r
<br />,handicap In Its vocational pre¡.
<br />grams, services. or activlti~
<br />required by Title VI of the I
<br />Rlgha Act of 1964, as a -
<br />ed; Title IX of the Education
<br />Amendmena of 1972; and SO<!.
<br />tion 504 of the Rehabilitation
<br />
<br />215 legal Notices
<br />
<br />215 Legal Notices
<br />
<br />...from previous column
<br />
<br />5, Para informaciOn sobre s s
<br />derechos 0 procedimlent s
<br />para quejas. comunlquese c n
<br />el Coordinador del Titulo I ,
<br />Mark Hudson en 1920 la cal e
<br />de Clarksville, Paris, Tex s
<br />75460, 1903) 737.7473: ylo
<br />Coordinador de la SecclOn 50 ,
<br />Mark Hudson, en 1920 en a
<br />calle de Clarksville, Paris, T s
<br />75460, 1903) 737.7473,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />225 Lost&Found
<br />
<br />...from previous column
<br />3, It is the policy of Paris Inde-
<br />pendent School District not to
<br />discrIminate on the basis of
<br />race, color, national origin, S""-
<br />handicap. or age In Its employ.
<br />ment practices as required by
<br />Title VI or the Civil Rights Act of
<br />1964. as amended: TItle IX of
<br />the Education Amendments of
<br />1972: the' Age Discrimination
<br />Act of 1975, as amended: and
<br />Section 504 of the Rehabilita.
<br />tion Act of 1973, as amended,
<br />
<br />4. Paris Independent School
<br />District will take steps to ensure
<br />thaI fack of English language
<br />skills will not be a barrier to ad- "
<br />mission and participation in all - FOUND!!
<br />educational and vocational Female, Yellow Lab mi .
<br />programs, Dumped or lost In Pin
<br />5. For information abOut your Valley Additon. 903.78 -
<br />rights or grievance procedures. 1744
<br />contact the Title IX Coordina.
<br />tor, Mark Hudson, at (903)
<br />737.7473, 1920 Cfarksville
<br />Slreet, Paris, Texas, 75460,
<br />and/or the Section 504 Coordi-
<br />nator, Mark Hudson at 1903)
<br />737.7473, 1920 Clarksville
<br />Street. Paris, Texas, 75460,
<br />
<br />La'Notincaclðn Públlca de
<br />Las Carreras Y Los progr.
<br />.....s de Educac/6n Tecnolo-
<br />gill sin Dlserlmlnac/6n
<br />
<br />I. EI Distrlto Escolar !ndepen-
<br />diente de Paris Orrete Carreras
<br />y programas de EducadOn Toc.
<br />nologla en Ciencla de ~rfcola
<br />y Tecnologla, EducadOn de Ne-
<br />gocios, EducaclOn de Tecnolo-
<br />gfa de aencias de Salud, Edu.
<br />caciOn de Cienclas de Familia y
<br />Consumidor, EducaciOn Tecno-
<br />rogla! EducaclOn Tecnologla In-
<br />dustrial, EducadOn de Industri-
<br />al y Comercio. La admlsiOn a
<br />estos programas se depende
<br />en los intereses, aptitudes, n-
<br />tereses especiales, habilidades,
<br />edad apropiada y si hay esp..-
<br />cio disponible en Ia clase.
<br />
<br />2, Es 01 reglamento dol Distrito
<br />Escolar independiente de Paris
<br />no discriminar por motivos de
<br />raza. color, origen nacional,
<br />sexo, 0 impedimento en sus
<br />programas, servlclos 0 activi.
<br />dades vocaclonales, tal como
<br />se requieren en el TItulo VI de
<br />la Ley de Derechos Civiles de
<br />1964, según enmienda: 01 TItu-
<br />lo IX de las Enmlendas de la
<br />EducaciOn de 1972, y Ia Sec.
<br />ciOn 504 de Ia ley de Rehabili-
<br />taclOn de '973, según enmien-
<br />da.
<br />3. Es 01 teglamenlo dol Distrito
<br />Escolar IOOependiente de Paris
<br />no discrfmlnar por motives de
<br />rala, COlor, origen naclonal,
<br />sexo, 0 Impedlmento en sus
<br />procedlmlentos de empleo, tal
<br />como se requleren en 01 Tltulo
<br />VI de Ia Ley de Deroches Civiles
<br />de '964, según enmienda; of
<br />TItulo IX de !as Enmiendas de fa
<br />EducadOn de 1972, la ley de
<br />DiscrlmlnaclOn por Edad de
<br />1975, según enmlenda, y la
<br />SecciOn 504 de Ia ley de Reha-
<br />bilitadOn de,I973, según enm~
<br />enda.
<br />
<br />4. EI Distrlto Escolar 'ndepen-
<br />diente de Paris tomar~ las med-
<br />Idas neeesarias para asegurar
<br />que fa f3ita de habilldad en ef
<br />uso de Ia lengua IO9lesa no sea
<br />un obstaculo para Ia admisiOn
<br />y Ia particlpaCiOn en todos los
<br />programas educativos y yoc..-
<br />
<br />FOUND!!
<br />Male Blue Heeler on Ce
<br />ter St. Wearing collar, 90 -
<br />517.1661
<br />
<br />LOST A PET?
<br />Checl< with the City of Pa .
<br />is Animal Shelter first.
<br />3rd H.E. & Clement R .
<br />
<br />LOST!!
<br />Adult, Male St. Bernard
<br />male Chocolate Lab pup
<br />in Direct. 903.784.7648
<br />
<br />LOST!!
<br />BII< heifer cross. No.2
<br />rl~ht ear, Bar F Brand Ie
<br />hip, Minter Area 903.65 .
<br />2437
<br />
<br />LOST!!
<br />Toy Min Pin, bll< & ta
<br />male. W. Terrell & 8th t
<br />in Cooper. ID chip. 90 .
<br />243.1768, leave message
<br />
<br />LOST!!
<br />White tace heiter .fro
<br />Emberson July '9th. 90 -
<br />784-5006
<br />
<br />LOST!!
<br />
<br />Would the young lad
<br />who found our cell phon
<br />on Pine Mill Road, July ,
<br />call 903-346-3560.
<br />
<br />235 Public Notices
<br />NOTICE
<br />
<br />
<br />The Paris News advertisin
<br />policies are Intended t
<br />create reader confidenc
<br />In ethical advertising.
<br />reserve the right to edit.
<br />ter or decline any adve .
<br />tisement. We accomm .'
<br />date advertisers reques
<br />whenever possible; ho .
<br />ever, position can not b
<br />guaranteed. The Par
<br />News assumes no finanei I
<br />respo~sibifity tor typo .
<br />
<br />~,
<br />POBo!
<br />
<br />,
<br />~
<br />P~
<br />
<br />"
<br />...from prevl.
<br />I
<br />sion ot COP)
<br />errors or on
<br />not ~ce~d It;
<br />attributable
<br />space. Plea~'
<br />classified ad i
<br />Credit Is alto'
<br />first insertion'
<br />tisers, adverti'
<br />or agents wit:
<br />ability for aë;
<br />published an.
<br />sume any an~
<br />bility tor Clal)
<br />theretrom a9'
<br />is News, It I
<br />rains an erro'
<br />ty The Paris!
<br />tied Departr
<br />business hoc'
<br />at (903) 78S:
<br />9 a,m, otth'
<br />insertion ot 'i
<br />you for your~
<br />NORTH L:
<br />offers career ~
<br />education pro!,
<br />ture, BuSIness"
<br />cation, Health~
<br />ogy. Family a~~
<br />ence Technol"'.
<br />dustrial Educa5
<br />Education. ancl,
<br />cation, AdmiSJI
<br />grams Is base'
<br />propriate, age~
<br />class space 4
<br />
<br />It Is Che policy!
<br />ISD not to disc:
<br />basis of race,!
<br />origin, sex or
<br />vocational prQ¡
<br />or activities req,
<br />of the Civil Ri(
<br />as amended: 11;
<br />ucation AmerlC'
<br />and Section 50'
<br />itation Act or ...
<br />ed. ' ~
<br />"
<br />North Lamar IS'
<br />to assure t/1a!1
<br />~~~at%...~Jcjn!
<br />patton In, al:j
<br />vocau~nalJt'l
<br />
<br />For Informati¡
<br />rightS or grievl,
<br />contact the TI.
<br />tor, Tommy Fe',
<br />ISO, 3201 L...~
<br />75462, /90313
<br />or the Sectlo~
<br />fS~I~2~~~""
<br />75462, 903~t;
<br />
<br />North Lamar
<br />fera y Ios pf '
<br />cacl6n de fa ~
<br />Agricuftura, lJ:J
<br />~~N.;¡~'fa°d'e
<br />Salud, en fa FfJ
<br />rogla de la Oet¡
<br />dor. en eJ 'Cont¡
<br />dOn de InduS1l'!
<br />cion de la TõåI
<br />EducaciOn qUi',
<br />mlslOn a e, st,~Ci',
<br />basa en el g
<br />edad apropla,
<br />pado de dase.
<br />", "
<br />Es la norma
<br />ISO para no
<br />de Ia carrera.-¡"
<br />naclonaI. et WI!
<br />]a en 1U1 'p~
<br />nales. Ios ~
<br />
<br />235
<br />