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Statement explaining the justification for the City of Paris to issue this permit, including specific information as <br />to how the service will benefit the convenience of the generai public and how the service is necessary to the <br />general public. Any supporting documentation to establish public convenience and necessity is welcomed, and <br />may be attached to the application. Such supporting documentation could include factual infortnation related to <br />the number of customers already served, the experience of the company providing the service, letters of <br />commendation for the service being provided, or any other material substantiating the capabilities of the <br />company to serve the public convenience and necessity. <br />I CERTIFY the foregoing information is true and correct as of this date: <br />qV <br />By: <br />~a►tir►.v ~~n~i~' <br />Type or print nanie <br />~ . M4naoer <br />Capacity of signato <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR <br />SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on this -l~t day of <br />2011, to certify which witness mY hand and seal <br />of office. <br />[sea <br />JANICE ELLIS <br />~ _ NOTARY PUBLIC <br />~a F STATE OF TEXAS tary Public' State of Texas <br />'~.M,,,,,p My Cammissi0n E~cpires 01-3a2012 <br />Stateinent of the disposition to be made of the solid waste collected, including the site(s) where the solid waste <br />