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Application for Disannexation <br />Oct. 6, 2011 <br />Martha and Bob Crockett <br />RE: Property ID 50187, Smalfwood RD <br />This is an agricultural tract which was not platted as a part of Wildwood Estates. <br />Wildwood was divided into 5 acre plats. This property was sold as a separate <br />tract of 17 acres, not bound by the same restrictions. It is adjacent to agriculture <br />property owned by !oe Hutchison, and should be treated the same. <br />We are offered no water, electrical, sewer, police or fire protection. Rec ~olod Ln. <br />road repair was done on Smallwood Rd. as far as the intersection of Wil <br />The area past Wildwood was not included. This is clearly evidenced by he new <br />gravel which was laid as far as Wildwood Ln., but no further.. I have called the city <br />for <br />when the bar ditches were overgrown only to be told they are not responsi le I <br />that area. Fortunately, the last time the ditches were shredded on Wildwood Ln, <br />was there, and asked the operator to include the ditches in front of our property. <br />Kindly, he agreed to do so. <br />Clearly, this tract is currently being offered no city services. City of Paris <br />engineering department indicates there are no plans for services to be offered in <br />the future. <br />Therefore, we request the right to disannex this property from the city of Paris. <br />40 <br />