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07-C Tax Abatement Guidelines
City Council
Agenda Packets
09 - September
07-C Tax Abatement Guidelines
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Last modified
8/29/2012 4:22:43 PM
Creation date
9/17/2004 4:31:14 PM
Item Number
07-C Tax Abatement G
Tax Abatement Guidelines & Criteria Resolution
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to the specifications and conditions of the agreement; <br />i) that property tax revenue lost as a result of the tax abatement agreement will be <br />recaptured by the City if the owner of the property fails to make the improvements <br />or repairs as provided by the agreement; <br />j) each term agreed to by the owner of the property; <br />k) a requirement that the owner of the property shall certify annually to the City Council <br />that the owner is in compliance with each applicable term of the agreement; <br />1) contractual obligations in the event of default, violation of terms or conditions, <br />delinquent taxes, recapture, administration and assignment, or other provisions that <br />may be required by state law, or in the discretion of the City Council; and <br />m) that the City Council may cancel or modify the agreement if the property owner fails <br />to comply with the agreement. <br />VL DEFAULT. If the City determines that the person or entity receiving an Abatement is in <br />default according to the terms and conditions of its Agreement, the City shall notify the <br />company or individual in writing at the address stated in the Agreement, and if such default <br />is not cured within a reasonable period of time specified in such notice ("Cure Period"), then <br />the Agreement may be modified or terminated without further notice. <br />In the event that the company or individual (i) allows its ad valorem taxes owed the City to <br />become delinquent and fails to timely and properly follow the legal procedures for their <br />protest and/or contest, or (ii) violates any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement and <br />fails to cure during the Cure Period, the Agreement then may be modified or terminated <br />without further notice, and the Agreement may provide a formula for recapture of all or part <br />of the taxes abated. <br />VIL CONFIDENTIALITY OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. Information that is <br />provided to a taxing unit in connection with an application or request for tax Abatement <br />under these Guidelines and that describes the specific processes or business activities to be <br />conducted or the equipment or other property to be located on the property for which tax <br />Abatement is sought is confidential and not subject to public disclosure unless otherwise <br />mandated by state law until the Agreement is executed. Such information in the custody of <br />the City after the Agreement is executed is not confidential under these Guidelines. <br />VIIL PROPOSED TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENTS TO BE DECIDED ON AN <br />INDIVIDUAL BASIS. The adoption of these Guidelines by the City Council does not (i) <br />limit the discretion of the City Council to decide whether to enter into a specific tax <br />Abatement agreement, or (ii) limit the discretion of the City to delegate to its employees the <br />-9- <br />
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