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08/17/04 14:28 FAX 512 491 2404 TML-IRP UNDERWRITING I0002 <br />Certificate of Coverage <br />This is to certity thAt the cover9ges listed bclow have been provlded to tbe member and alre In effect at this time. <br />Notwitbstanding auy requircments, tertns or conditions of any othcr contract or agTeement with xespect to which <br />this certiticate nnay be issued or msy pertstin, the coverage affordtd by the 'fexas Municipal League <br />Intergowernmental Risk Pool (TML-IRP) desctibed berein is subject only to the terms, exclusions and additions of <br />'I1VIIrTRP's covernge contracts betwecn TNIL-IRp and its member(s). Coverage i5 continuous untit caaceled. <br />TML-IR!' Contract Numbcr: 5823 <br />Member• Ciry of Paris Company Texas Municipal Lcague <br />~ PO 13ox 9037 Aftording Intergovcrnmental Risk pool <br />Paris, Texas 75461-9037 Coverage; PO BoY 149194 <br />Ausdn, TX 78714-9194 <br />(512)491-2300 or (800) 537-6655 <br />Fax (512) 491-2404 <br />Certificate Holder: <br />Texas Municipal I.eague InterRovernmental Itisk Pool <br />X1o2 <br />o1m/o2 <br />Caneellation: Should any of the above described coverages be caneeled before the anniversary date thereof, TML-IRP <br />will endeavor to mail 30 days vvritten notice to the below namcd certificatc hvlder, but failurc to mail such notice <br />shall impose no obligation or liabiliCy of any kind upon TML-IltP, <br />pate Issuc d: 8/ 1 7/ 0 4 A u t h o riu d R e p ro s c n t a t i v e: <br />