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October 11, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />building within the city limits of the City of Paris. <br />1. Authorizing the acceptance of a gift of dedication of a 20-foot easement <br />for an existing sewer line across Lot 5-13, City Block 251-A. <br />J. Approving and authorizing a revised new grade and step pay plan for <br />all new City employees and employee promotions to higher grade, <br />other than certified non-director employees of the Police, Fire, and <br />Emergency Medical Services Departments, repealing prior Resolution <br />No. 2004-161. <br />K. Granting a petition for annexation of certain territory consisting of <br />8.448 acres, more or less, being a part of The Hills Phase IV <br />subdivision. <br />L. Granting a petition for annexation of certain territory consisting of <br />5.187 acres, more or less, being a part of The Hills Phase IV <br />subdivision. <br />9. Consider, discuss and take possible action or provide direction to City staff <br />regarding the City's current cellular tower ordinance. <br />10. Consider, discuss and take possible action or provide direction to City staff <br />regarding the City's current solid waste collection ordinance. <br />11. Consider, discuss and take possible action or provide direction to City staff <br />regarding releasing that property located adjacent to Lake Crook known as <br />Area No. 1 to the Archers for Christ. <br />12. Consider, discuss and take possible action or provide direction to City staff <br />regarding a proposed system of tax abatements for improvements to <br />properties located in historical districts or of historical significance. <br />13. Consider, discuss and take possible action or provide direction to City staff <br />regarding declaring as surplus, advertising for bids, and sale of City property <br />located at 36 and 40 E. Kaufman Street. <br />14. Discussion of potential future agenda items. <br />15. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant <br />to Resolution No. 2004-081. <br />