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MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />FROM: Shawn Napier, <br />City Engineer <br />DATE: October 1, 2004 <br />SUBJECT: Marvin-Jennings-Clardy Water Supply Corporation <br />The Marvin-Jennings-Clardy (MJC) Water Supply Corporation (WSC) just recently received <br />bids in order to replace an old 4-inch water line with a new 8-inch water line on F.M. 905 <br />Southeast of Paris. The City of Paris was approached in April of this year about the possibility <br />of upgrading the proposed water line to a City of Paris standard pipe (PVC C-900 DR-18) from a <br />rural water pipe (ASTM D-2241 Class 200 PVC). This is an opportunity to upgrade the lines to <br />a fire rated line (able to support fire hydrants). If we so chose we could also pay for a new meter <br />and vault to be installed at the current city limit line on F.M. 905 at Echols Creek. If we did this <br />we would have the opportunity to change the CCN (Certificate of Convenience and Necessity) <br />from MJC to the City of Paris. In doing so we would gain 10 current customers and the prospect <br />for additional new customers. <br />The price for upgrading the water line is $1.15 per foot. This is the difference in the price per <br />foot of the two kinds of water pipe. The distance from the current meter location to the proposed <br />meter location is approximately 7,840 feet. The cost for upgrading the pipe is $9,016.00. The <br />cost to install a new meter and vault at the current city limit line is $8,715.00. The attorney's fee <br />for changing the CCN is estimated to be $2,000.00. If the CCN was transferred to the City of <br />Paris the MJC water meters would be exchanged with City of Paris touch read meters. The cost <br />to replace the 10 meters is $1,000.00. The price to the City of Paris for the total project would be <br />approximately $20,800.00. We are in the process of getting water consumption numbers on the <br />10 water customers from MJC. The new line will be installed by MJC at no cost to the City of <br />Paris. <br />The MJC board meets October 12th to consider this matter. <br />cc: Larry Shaw, Interim City Manager <br />Larry W. Schenk, City Attorney <br />Jon Clack, Director of Water Utilities <br />Gene Anderson, Finance Director <br />