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Thence around a curve to the left having a radius f 691.20 feet, long chord bears <br />South 43°18' 13" East a distance of 36.22 feet, an arc dist ce of 36.22 feet to a point for <br />corner; <br />Thence South 44° 12'46" East a distance of 134.4 feet to a point for corner; <br />Thence North 51°05'37" East a distance of 1267.07 feet to a point for corner; <br />Thence around a curve to the left having a radius f 452.47 feet, long chord bears <br />North 44°00' 10" East a distance of 111.70 feet, an arc dis ance of 111.99 feet to a point <br />for corner; <br />Thence South 64°08'23" East a distance of 298.63 feet to the point of beginning <br />and containing 8.448 acres of land. <br />