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<br />.4JJSTR.4C/' NO, 786
<br />
<br />T. G. GIVENS
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<br />Mœ1bt lMtIwr lOIIgfr. Drlwt
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<br /> LOTI (E1nI. 2S-Ç, I.c.P.R.) II
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<br />LO" ~ 11-
<br /> LO" BLOCK NO J
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<br /> LO1 .
<br />
<br />P.O.B. 13 O' ALLEY PER HULL Martin Luther Kingfr, Drive
<br />POIN:J. {-. ADD'N PLAT (r...-ty Bbob RÐ8d; DO deed Ibaad)
<br />
<br />- - - - - r - - - 7e9;8~-;-;;7~;' - - - - - - - - - -
<br />
<br />:' -122.00' 5"'UTILlTŸËASEMENT"?' RO.W.
<br />
<br />~ IF.F.-554.4' 8
<br />Ó LOT 1 Ó
<br />
<br />':¡:"PROPOSED R.O.W. '"
<br />I 127.00' -
<br />
<br />- +5.0' R.O.W. DEDICATION ~. â
<br />, 0 '"
<br />8 LOT 2 0 -
<br />~ IF.F. = 555.4'1 ~ ¡;
<br />I 127.00' ~
<br />
<br />LOT 1
<br />
<br />LOT 2
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<br />VOL. 1514, PG. 102. L.C.O.P.R
<br />AUG. 24. 2004
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<br />LO' 3
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<br />LOT 3
<br />IF.F. - 555.8'1
<br />
<br />127.00'
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<br />'1'1l'1l'i'
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<br />50.00'
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<br />
<br />LOT 4
<br />
<br />LOT 4
<br />IF.F. - 556.6'1
<br />
<br />222.00'
<br />N 89"8'58"W 227.00'
<br />
<br />LOT'
<br />
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<br />
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<br />¡¡¡I
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<br />
<br />LOT 8
<br />
<br />POINT
<br />
<br />LOT 7
<br />VOl. 268. PC. 248.
<br />L.C.R.P.R.
<br />MARCH 4. 1992
<br />
<br />~
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<br />
<br />(ENY. 25-C, LC.P.R.)
<br />
<br />A.BSTRA.CT NO. 778
<br />
<br />BLOCK NO 1
<br />
<br />
<br />0' SO'
<br />I
<br />SCALE: 1"=50'
<br />
<br />100'
<br />I
<br />
<br />Field NoleS
<br />
<br />Being a 0.789S 8Cte (34,392 squ8ft: foot) tract ofland in the Isaiah Davis SWYCY, Abstmct No. 479, in the City of
<br />Paris, Lamar County, Texas; beiD8 aU of Lots 1 tIuough6, Block 1 of the Hull Addition, as ύo1ded in EnVelope
<br />2S-C, L,C'p .R.; and beiD aU of that certain tract of land described in deed dated August 24, 2004, 10 Edmond
<br />DanpdieId, œço1ded in Volume IS14, Page 102, L.C,O.P .R.; said 0.789S acœ tract ofland i& more particulady
<br />described by metes ami boUDds as follows (aU bearings cited beœin are refereDCed to due North along 6th Street NE
<br />per Vol. 334, Pg, 339, L.C,R.P.R.):
<br />
<br />BEGINNING at a point in the south boUDdary line of an aUcy (13 feet wide per Envelope 2S-C, L,C'p.R.) and the
<br />cx:cupied south right-of-way line of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive (fonnerly Blake Road; 110 deed found) and in the
<br />existing east right-of-way line of 6th Street NE (40 feet wide per Envelope 2S-c, L.C.P .R.) for the northwest comer of
<br />a S4'oot right-of-way dedication shown beœon, the original Block 1 of said Hull Addition, and the heæin descnbed
<br />tract;
<br />
<br />1.) nœNCE South 89 deg, 18 miD. S8 sec:, East. along the south boundaly line ofsaidaJley and the occupied south
<br />right -of-way line of Martin Luther King Jr, Drive and the north bouodaJy line of said Block I, at a distance of S.OO
<br />feet pas¡ing a II2-inch iron rod with cap set in the proposed east right-of-way line of 6th Street NE, and coJttinuiøg a
<br />total disbmce of 127,00 feet to a 112-incb iron rod with cap set for the common IIOrth comer of Lots 1 and 9 of said
<br />Block 1;
<br />
<br />2,) nœNCE South, aIoas the west boundaJy line of said Lot 9, a distance of 160.00 feet to a l/2.mch iron rod with
<br />cap set for the southwest comer of said Lot 9;
<br />
<br />3.) nœNCE South 89 deg, 18 min, S8 sec:. East. along the south boundaly line of Lots 9 and 10 of said Block 1, a
<br />disbmce of 100.00 feet to a 112-inch iron rod with cap set in the east boundary line of said Hull AcIditionand the west
<br />boUDdary line of that certain tI8Ct of land described in deed dated JulY 17, 1912, to Jimmie Sanders, ύoJded in Vol
<br />143, Pg. 177, L.CD.R..forthe soutbeast comer of said Lot 10;
<br />
<br />4,) nœNCE South, 8IoD8 the east boundaly line of said Hull Addition and the west boundary line of said Jimmie
<br />SandeJs tmct, a distanœ of 62.00 feet to a 112-incb iron rod with cap let for the IIOrtbeast comer of Lot 7 of said
<br />Block 1;
<br />
<br />S,) THENCE North 89 deg, 18 miD. S8 sec:, West, along the IIOrth boundaly line of said Lot 7, at a distance of222.oo
<br />feet pas¡ing a II2-inch Bon rod with cap set in the proposed east right-of-way line of 6th Street NE, and coldÍllUÎllg a
<br />total dis1anœ of227,oofeet to a point in the existing east right-of-way line of 6th Street NE for the northwest comer
<br />ofaaid Lot 7;
<br />
<br />6,) TIŒNCE North (Reference Bearing). aIoD8 the existing east right-of-way line of 6th Street NE, a distance of
<br />222,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.7895 8CIe ofland, ofwbicb 0.02SS acœ (1,110 square
<br />feet) lies withintbe S.footrigbt-of-way dedication abownbereon, leaving a œt area of 0,7640 acre (33,282 squæe
<br />feet) within the proposed Lots 1 through 4.
<br />
<br />1, Deuni& E. Cba1aire, certifY that the above property description and the accompanying plat shown lIcœon œpresent a
<br />sWYcy made on the ground under my supeMsion.
<br />
<br />Dennis E, Cbalaire, R.P L.S. No. ,.69
<br />
<br />Dale October 22. 2004 .
<br />
<br />44J SE J2th ST. PARIS, TX 75460
<br />903-7B4-J454
<br />
<br />City of Paris, Lamar Co.. Texas
<br />DATE: October22,20O4
<br />
<br />PAGE: lofl
<br />
<br />mE: \1-04-046\46.dwg
<br />
<br />LOT '38
<br />
<br />~
<br />!
<br />CO'5
<br />~
<br />
<br />LOT '4
<br />
<br />LOT "
<br />
<br />CITY OF P ARlS
<br />BLOCK NO 93-B
<br />I LOT '..
<br />
<br />LOT 12
<br />....r SANDERS
<br />VOL '4'. PC. 111. LC.O,R.
<br />MY >7. '°'2
<br />
<br />
<br />1" = 60'
<br />
<br />t:!.Ql£S;
<br />
<br />1. The reference beoring for this survey is due North olong 6th Street NE
<br />per Vol. 334. Pg. 339. L.C.R.P.R.
<br />
<br />2. The locotion of survey lines shown hereon is opproximote.
<br />
<br />LOT 11
<br />
<br />3. Subject property Is within Zone C (Areos of minimol flooding) per FEMA
<br />FIRM Community Ponel No. 480427 0002 B, effective December 15, 1983
<br />
<br />J1W.4H DÁJ'1S SURYEr
<br />.4J1S7'JUCTNO.2SJ
<br />
<br />4. Eoch Lot ond Block corner of the replotted oreo shown he,eon is morked
<br />with 0 set 1/2- iron rod with cop stomped -RPLS 5469."
<br />
<br />5. Benchmork: northeost corner of concrete slob ot the southeost corner
<br />of the intersection of MLK Drive ond 6th NE. Elev. = 551.96' (NGVD 1929)
<br />
<br />L.C.R.P.R. - Lomo, Co. Reol Property Records
<br />l.C.O.P,R. - Lamor Co. Official Public Records
<br />L.C.D.R. - Lomor County Deed Records
<br />l.C,P.R. - Lomor County Plot Records
<br />P.O.B. - Point of Beginning
<br />
<br />
<br />I. Edmond Dongerfield, owner of the above described tract of lond, do hereby certify
<br />thot I hove coused the some to be plotted os shown, do hereby adopt such pion of
<br />Subdivision, ond do hereby dedicate to the City of Poris. Texos, ony ond 011 Streets, Alleys.
<br />or Eosements as shown hereon, thot the sole of these lots sholl be in occordonce with this
<br />plot. ond that I do hereby guorontee the workmonship ond moteriols of ony City of Poris
<br />focilities on Lots 1-4 for 0 period of one yeor upon opprovol of this plot by the City
<br />Engineer of the City of Poris, Texos.
<br />
<br />Edmond Dangerfield
<br />
<br />
<br />This instrument wos ocknowledged before me on the _doy of
<br />Edmond Dongerfield.
<br />
<br />2004, by
<br />
<br />Notory Public. Stote of Texos
<br />
<br />Dote
<br />
<br />
<br />The undersigned. the City Clerk of the City of Poris, Texos, herby certifies thot the
<br />foregoing -REPlAT", wos submitted to the City Council of Poris. Texos. on the _doy of -
<br />. 2004. ond said City Council by formol oction then ond there occepted soid "REPLA T-, ond
<br />soid City Council further outhorized the Moyor to note the occeptonce thereof by signing his
<br />nome os herein below subscribed.
<br />
<br />City Clerk. City of Poris. Texas
<br />
<br />Dote
<br />
<br />
<br />DõIe
<br />
<br />Choirmon, City of Poirs
<br />Plonning & Zoning Commission
<br />
<br />
<br />Moyor. City of Poirs. Texas
<br />
<br />Dote
<br />
<br />REPLAT
<br />
<br />OF LOTS 1, 2, 3,4, 5 & 6
<br />
<br />33,282 NET S.F.
<br />(34,392 S.F. TOTAL - 1,110 S.F. RO.W. DEDICATION)
<br />