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Special Meeting of the City Council <br /> August 24, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br />Councilwoman Wilkerson indicated that two contractors, who had pulled out of <br />the bid, told her it was because of the poor quality of the plans and too many <br />addendums. Councilman Wilson wanted to know why there were so many <br />addendums, because subcontractors tend to pull out when there are too many <br />addendums. <br />He said there was a problem with one plan room, who accidently sent back an <br />addendum, so they had to do an extension of the bid date. He did say there <br />shouldn’t have been so many addendums, that items could have been grouped <br />together to make fewer addendums. <br />Councilwoman Wilkerson said her concern was that the Architects were asked to <br />put plans and specifications together that fit into the City of Paris budget and that <br />th <br />is not what happened. Mr. Sargent said this was only the 5 time in his career that <br />a bid had been over. <br />There was discussion about items in the specifications that were too expensive. <br />Councilman Bell was concerned that the security systems are adequate for their <br />needs but not be too expensive. <br />Mr. Sargent said the Audio Visual and the Furniture would be bid out separately <br />so they would have more control over the quality of vendor. <br />Mayor Fendley asked if there were extras or frills in the plans that could be taken <br />out. Mr. Sargent said that the building is more square footage than what is called <br />for and there has to be lights, electricity, sprinklers, and other mechanical things <br />for those areas that are not going to be used at first. He said they made a courtyard <br />because there was a need for more natural light in the building. He said the cost <br />of making the atrium into a room with a roof is only $31,000 less. He <br />complimented the City staff on the way they got the building cleaned out and <br />ready for construction. <br />Mr. Sargent said the Greenville project was $158.00 per foot and the Paris project <br />was $126.00 per foot. He said he heard that some of the subcontractors inflated <br />their numbers when they knew they were the only ones bidding. <br /> <br />