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<br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS <br />OCTOBER 7, 2004 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met in regular session, Thursday, October <br />7, 2004 in the Love Civic Center, 2025 South Collegiate Drive, Paris, Texas. <br />Mayor Curtis Fendley called the meeting to order with the following Council <br />members present: Jim Bell, Jay Guest, Don Wilson, Karen Wilkerson, and Rick <br />Poston. Also present were Interim City Manager Larry Shaw, City Attorney Larry <br />W. Schenk and Asst. City Clerk Sherian Dixon. <br />Mayor Fendley called for receipt of the Planning and Zoning Commission earlier <br />that day. <br />Mayor Fendley called for a public hearing to consider the petition of Charles Park <br />for a change in zoning from a Two-Family Dwelling District (2F) to a <br />Neighborhood Service District (NS) with Specific Use Permit (28) Mortuary and <br />Funeral Parlor on Lot 10, City Block 70-A, being 1305 Pine Bluff. Mayor <br />Fendley said the item was tabled at the Planning and Zoning meeting, but there <br />still needed to be a public hearing. City Attorney Schenk said there was an issue <br />on the timeliness of the notice, so there could be no action taken on the item, but <br />if anyone wanted to speak for against it, they could. <br />Mayor Fendley asked for anyone in favor of the item, to come forward to speak. <br />No one appeared. Mayor Fendley called for anyone in opposition to come <br />forward. No one appeared and the public hearing was declared closed. <br />Mayor Fendley explained that consideration of and action on an ordinance <br />amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1710, changing the zoning from a Two-Family <br />Dwelling District (2F) to a Neighborhood Service District (NS) with Specific Use <br />Permit (28) Mortuary and Funeral Parlor on Lot 10, City Block 70-A, being 1305 <br />Pine Bluff was tabled by the Planning and Zoning Commission. He said no action <br />could be taken and that the Council would have to table it. <br />Mayor Fendley called for consideration of and action on the Final Plat on Lot 1, <br />Block A, Paris Retirement Village, (City Block 308), located at 1400 W. <br />Washington. He said the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this, <br /> <br />