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<br />. . <br />, ~;:, ,:: <br />, ,'~ <br /> <br />.', , <br /> <br />, ',' ':',:,' <br /> <br />UHlllt' 8A8 <br /> <br />. ' <br /> <br />.' , <br /> <br />¡Property Oe.cr1pt1onJ <br /> <br />""": . <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />:. . '~'. ' <br />, ", " <br /> <br />: ' <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />Situated within the Corporate L~itl of the <br />City of Paril, County of Lamar, and State ~f <br />Texal, a part of the C80rSl W. Cox Survey, <br />and beiDa a pare of a 88 acre tract of land <br />conveyed Dallal Utility Co. by de.d rlcorded <br />in Vol. 376, Page 442, of the De.d ~cord. of <br />laid County and State. <br /> <br />, BEGINNING at an'iron'p~n at the interlectiOD' <br />of the North Boundary Line of ClarklYill. <br />St., with th~ Ealt Boundary Lin. of Johnlon \,' <br />Woodl Driye, laid point beins a .di.tance of . ',,:~ <br />999.8 ft. W.,t of the molt Southerly South- . ;:'¡. <br />ealt corner of laid 88 acre tract, a. mealured ' ,:, ' <br />alon& the ,North Boundary.Line òf ClarklYille St".1~ <br /> <br />, <br />': . ': <br />, .,~ ~" <br />, 0 <br />, ." <br /> <br />"'. <br /> <br />, ': " <br /> <br />. . .', <br />.,. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />THENCE. North 22. 221 Ealt 81onl the Bound.r1"~ <br />Line of Johnlon Woodl Dr.". diltanc. of ISO .ft. .1 <br />to an iron pip. for corner: .. " .. <br /> <br />0 . <br /> <br />THENCE South 688 491 Eå.t a dI.tanca of 150 ft.. '.: . <br />to an iron pin for cornar, .aid point beins 1n ¡. . <br />the We.t Boundary Line 9f the Plaa.ant Gr~Ye , 1 : <br />Conyal.acent Home property ¡ . '.: : , <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />:,. .,' <br /> <br />THENCE South' 22. 22' Welt alonl th~ Weat BoUndar1 :..' <br />Line of the. laid Cony.l.acent Home property. 8 . <br />dlltance of 150 ft. to an iron pipe for corner, <br />in the North Boundary LLn. of Clark.vill. St., . , <br />. laid point beinsia a curve to the risbt hav1n¡ <br />a radIuI of 5321.48 ft. and a delre. of curvature <br />of 1. OS': " , ',0 <br /> <br />THENCE 10 a Horthw..terly directIon a1onl .aid. <br />curve"to the risht. a of 150 ft., to,~ <br />plac. of bea1nn1n¡. <br /> <br />, d <br />, <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />. , . <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />RP <br /> <br />256 PAc£174 <br />