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<br /> , <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />, .. <br /> <br />, ,.' , <br />. " . <br />. " , <br />. ' ..: - ' , <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />" , <br /> <br />. - <br /> <br /> <br />:':'~':-':':'::-:"':-":':,~-..:,,'.>';-,.., ':.:- .": '.".-- .--' <br /> <br />, - <br /> <br />,. . <br />" .' <br />'. " <br />",',", ,'. "", <br /> <br />, . <br />, , . <br />. .. ,," ., . <br />-,~....~ .:"-~-~""'i_~~-"--"-""". .. '" <br /> <br />, ..'.' <br /> <br />, . - " - <br />,,' ," , <br />. ' . " <br /> <br />, .-, -P7~_.-. <br />~ ,I '... ". <br />riP, LÅMAR'~ ". . ~ ..) , KNOW ALL }ŒN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That we, Buck Rader and Linda Rader, husband spa wi~e1 or <br />the County of'Lamar and Stat9 o~ Te~as, do hereby, under, and- <br />'by virtDe or the Constitution and thg ls'H9 o:f the Stat~ 'of' Texa9, <br />in such ca'sas made ond provided, è99ignata and sat a"pa'rt GS =our <br />homestead ths following d~~crib8d land situgted in Lsmar Ç9u~ty, <br />Texas ~ to-wit: . . -. <br /> <br /> <br />,', .' <br />.' ..., <br />'.. . , '.' <br />.. .' " <br /> <br />Baing out '01: the ~1'¡e~19Y Askins Sur't197; and the ;'Tathias Click <br />Survey, and- desor1bed in ~ tracts, a~ fol1o~5: <br /> <br />FIRST ~rlACT: Part of th9 Westley Askins Survs7. <br />BEGTITNING at 9 point ôn tb9 ~~ line or tb~ Pin~ 31uff R~að <br />at the ,qw corner of a tract of land belon~ing to F. L. Brantley. <br />:._~~:I.rJ::1l!;NCE with the EB line Qf said road ;;. h3?t da~. :.-1.727 :feet, <br />s. 53~ des. Wast 263 re~t~ and s. S4 deS. We9t 6h3 f9at. <br />':L'l1.b;ßCE South 4?~ deg. East 225 feat; s. 76~ deg. Es st 58 :fe9t; <br />N. 65t dag. East 1187'feet. <br />TB~CE'South 56~ des. East 1689 fset to a road. <br />~llHj4:.NC'E North wi th said road 795 feet to the SE corner of" a <br />traot 6~ land belonging to F. L. Brantley. <br />THENCE ,..:1th the, SB lin~ of' said BIagntley t~act :a. 59 deg. <br />w~st 1710 £eet to t~a, place of bagipning, containing JO.73 acres~ <br /> <br />SECOND TRACT: Beginning at 8 po'lnt on sa line of :"¡eslay <br />Askins" Survey,... 269 poles and 2 l.inks H. of: the SE corDer' of' . sa id <br />\{. Askins Survey, the. s~me alsp baing the SE corner of a tract or <br />105.9 acres of land conveyed by J.. li~, DeRbong aDd wi.fa to T. H r <br />Booth~: by'd&ad dated Apr11l9, 1902~,recorà8à in Book 104, Page <br />403 t Lamar' County Dead Rec~rds. . . "'..:.. <br />THE..'P.iéE 1-Ý. 954 var~s mere or less to: a point iñ SB line' o:c <br />~3id tract, a~so 8 point O_D E.. side of", Bingham branch.:' '- <br />THIDTCE in a Northerly;' direction Hith said b-r-3!Jch ~37.3 ~~~9. -:-!or9 <br />or less to a point on E. s~de or Bin3ha~ Br9nch, which p~i~þ is 12 <br />varas, mars or less, South or an ell corner or said 105.9 acr9-- <br />tract and the SW corn~r or- a 16 Acr~ tract own9à òy Tom Saylars. <br />Th~NCE w. crossin~ Bin~h9~ Branch 200 vr9. more or 1983 to <br />.. ~J . <br /> <br />a stake on Pine Blurr Road~ <br />'111i~HCE alóng said Pin~ Bluff ~)o8d in ,9 H.~. direction 170 <br />vrs. to Binghan Branch. <br />~rtENCE with said brgnch to a Southw~sterly àire~ti~n l~~ <br />varas, mora or less, to the SW corner or Ð 16 acre tract owned b~ <br />Tom Saylor s . <br />T"rlENCE with Saylors 1 lin~ 11. 66 dSß. ~. hSl: 6h vrs.. <br />~~CE s. 56 3/L~ à9g. E. 609.5 varas. <br />THENCE S. 247.9 varas to the p13ce of' 'beginning, cantalning <br />72 acres of'land. <br /> <br />"'- _.- "'" ..- -._- <br />...-------- -- - '- . -- <br /> <br />-"'--" .. <br /> <br />--..,. - -.. .. -,.,..- <br /> <br />-----..--, - .. <br /> <br />" ,- - ,.- ....' "-'-- -- -, --'--:-~-:---:-,. <br /> <br />SAVE and EXCEPT:LAND <br /> <br />PREVIOUSLY SOLD OFF. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />, ' <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />. ' <br /> <br />- , - <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />, ., ' <br /> <br />- .. <br /> <br />. , '-,' " , <br /> <br />. ." -" , - .. <br /> <br />" ,', -' <br /> <br />, - <br /> <br />-, ',:' - r: <br /> <br />. .. <br /> <br />. " <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />. .. <br /> <br />,; . <br /> <br />, "." , <br /> <br />. -. <br />.. " . <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />. ' <br /> <br />. . <br />, , , ... <br />