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Special Meeting of the City <br />Council <br /> September 22, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br />and bring the candidates in on Sunday so they would have an opportunity to see <br />Paris. <br />There was another discussion of the Open Meetings implications and Mr. <br />Hartung said the candidates will have the expectation that their names will be <br />known when they come for the interview and that their interviews will be <br />conducted in a public meeting. <br />It was the consensus of Council to go ahead with the meetings on Monday, <br />th <br />October 4, at 9:00 a.m. and have them one hour apart and then have a meeting <br />for the interviews later that afternoon. <br />Mayor Fendley called for consideration and discussion of and direction to staff <br />on the 2004-2005 Fiscal Year Budget. <br />Interim City Manager Shaw said that at the last meeting, the Council had <br />questions as to the staffing ordinance pertaining to the Fire Department. He <br />called the Council’s attention comparing the staffing, overtime and various <br />aspects of the Paris Fire Department with Fire Department of Tyler, Texas. <br />He explained that a lot of overtime in the Paris Fire Department was caused by <br />the 7-day pay cycle. He went over the options. Interim City Manager Shaw said <br />he recommended changing the ordinance tonight and eliminating the three <br />positions and going to the 28-day pay cycle. <br />The Council discussed the sick leave and accident policy. Mr. Shaw said that <br />the Sick Leave Policy for the City of Paris was very liberal. He mentioned that <br />would be addressed in the new Personnel Policy. <br />Councilman Wilson said the accident policy was unique to Paris. He said there <br />were 6,000 hours off time for accidents and that was way too much. He <br />explained that when a person is off more than seven (7) days for an accident, <br />the person is paid 65% of their salary by Workers Comp, but the City <br /> <br />