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Special Meeting of the City <br />Council <br /> September 22, 2004 <br /> Page 5 <br />PURPOSE OF ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESS OF COLLECTING OR <br />TRANSPORTING SOLID WASTE FROM COMMERCIAL AND <br />INDUSTRIAL UNITS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS, TEXAS; FINDING A PUBLIC NECESSITY AND CONVENIENCE <br />FOR ISSUANCE OF SAID PERMIT; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE, WAS PRESENTED. <br />City Attorney Schenk said Council had approved two of these previously and <br />this third permit would be for Southern Disposal, Inc. Council discussed how <br />they were regulated and how they were charged. Councilman Wilson asked <br />Finance Director Anderson to find some firms that would go in and audit these <br />companies and find more charges. Councilman Bell made a motion for <br />approval of the Ordinance, which was seconded by Councilman Poston. The <br />motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Resolution No. 2004-163, authorizing the transfer of budgetary appropriations <br />from unencumbered appropriation balances to over expended accounts as <br />allowed in Section 58 and 70 of the Charter of the City of Paris, was presented. <br />Mayor Fendley said this was year end clean up. Councilman Guest made a <br />motion to approve the resolution and Councilwoman Fisher seconded the <br />motion. A discussion of the appropriations followed. The motion carried 7 <br />ayes, 0 nays. <br />Resolution No. 2004-164, electing to become eligible to participate in tax <br />abatement agreements as authorized under the Property Development and Tax <br />Abatement Act, and directing the City Manager to develop guidelines and <br />criteria to govern all tax abatement agreements within the City of Paris, was <br />presented. City Attorney Schenk said there were two tax abatement requests <br />pending. Councilwoman Fisher made a motion for approval. Councilman Bell <br />seconded the motion and it carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Resolution No. 2004-165, adopting Guidelines and Criteria governing Tax <br /> <br />