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Special Meeting, City Council <br /> August 31, 2004 <br /> Page 3 <br />On a question from Council, City Attorney Schenk said actions and changes to <br />the budget could be made tonight but they must be published and heard in a <br />public hearing. He gave the different deadlines for those. <br />Mayor Fendley said that Finance Director Anderson was supposed to bring <br />back figures on changing the 1 to 1 match to the 1 to 1 ½ match for the <br />retirement. Finance Director Anderson said Councilman Wilson’s figures had <br />been correct, that it would cost the budget $140,000.00. He said there would <br />be an additional adjustment of about $13,000.00 for the garage because the <br />garage was not in the original budget. <br />Councilman Bell questioned if there was also going to be a freeze in the step <br />raise. Councilman Wilson said he would like to leave the step pay in and cut <br />the budget elsewhere. He explained different possible cuts and said the City <br />could keep the surplus from those and put the retirement back to the 1 to 1 ½ <br />match. <br />Councilwoman Fisher asked if there was a possibility of putting the match back <br />to 2 to 1. Councilman Wilson indicated that would cost too much. <br /> Finance Director Anderson explained that the Fire Department could <br />contribute as much as they wanted to retirement because of Civil Service laws <br />if they voted and agreed on the amount, but the City’s match would be the <br />same for all employees. He said the TMRS employees could only contribute the <br />percentage set by the Council, 5%, 6% or 7%. <br />Mayor Fendley asked Police Chief Karl Louis if he would rather see more <br />money in his department for wages or for retirement. Chief Louis said he <br />always wanted more money for his officers, but at the moment, he was 3 <br />officers short and had the possibility of 5 getting called up for active duty. He <br />felt it wouldn’t be safe to do without those officers. <br />Councilman Wilson talked about the possibility of moving officers around. <br /> <br />