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Special Meeting, City Council <br /> August 31, 2004 <br /> Page 5 <br />Mayor Fendley recapped the following budget cuts: <br /> 1. $61.856.00 cut from Parks Department <br /> 2. $50,000.00 overtime cut from the Fire Department <br /> 3. $50,000.00 cut from the Police Department <br />Councilman Wilson made a motion to approve those budget cuts. Councilman <br />Guest seconded the motion and it carried 6 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Councilman Bell made a motion to restore the retirement benefits to a 1 to 1 ½ <br />match. Councilman Wilson seconded the motion and the motion 4 ayes, 2 nays, <br />Councilman Guest and Mayor Fendley voting no. <br />Interim Library Director Priscilla McAnally wanted to clarify if the $40.00 Out- <br />of-City Library Fee would be per household or per family. It was the consensus <br />st <br />that it would be per family and would become effective October 1. <br />Community Development Director Lisa Wright came forward to present her <br />research on using the Fixed Base Operator to manage the airport. She indicated <br />that she had already discussed this with the FBO at Cox Field and they would <br />be willing to manage the airport. She said this would be a savings of <br />approximately $10,000.00-15,000.00. <br />Councilman Wilson made a motion to negotiate the contract for the Fixed Base <br />Operator to take over operations of the Airport. Councilman Bell seconded the <br />motion. <br />There was a discussion of FAA regulations concerning this and who would <br />have the oversight to make sure things were done according to FAA rules. It <br />was agreed that the City would take care of the supervision of the FBO. Mayor <br />Fendley said Finance Director Anderson could take over billing and <br />collections. <br />The motion carried 5 ayes, 0 nays. <br /> <br />