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LAMAR COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS' COURT RESOLUTION <br />IN SUPPORT OF PIZOJECT "TOGETHER WE CAN" <br />WHERE, AS, Lamac County ackliowledges that we can alI live togetlier in peace aiid harmony; and <br />WHEREAS, Lanlar Couiity is i•espousible for aIl people, within our schools and oiir conunuiiity; and <br />WHERCAS, La►nar Coutrty desires to provide a safe and peacefial community for everyone where <br />they can feel protected, loved and sttpported; and <br />VVHEREAS, Latnar Couirty wi11 not tolerate atcohol abiise by minoi•s, illegat drugs, u113~ing, <br />IIAYassment, or v b <br />iolence of any kind within ozir schools, workplace, hoiiies or otir community; and <br />VVFIERCAS, Lamar County reatizes that it takes everyone working togetlier to create an enviroiunent <br />alld COllltllilillly whei•e people can feel safe; <br />V1`HETtEAS, Laniar Coiuity supports "'I'ogetlier We Can," a project that pulls atl conununity resources <br />togethei• to create a safe atid enjoyable conitiiunity for everyonc. <br />NUW, THEREI'ORE BC IT I2ESOLVED tlilt the Laiiiar Coiin y + <br />work hand-in-hand with la«~ enforcement, cl}urches, parents, stude its,~e ci ers,~a id tliertcotnn t nity <br />aiganizations to support "Together We Can" t o e l i m iii a t e t he u s e o f a lco ho l a btise by minors, illegal <br />driigs, bullying, harassmetit, oi• violence of any kind, and to provide a safe aiid enjoyable enviroiuuent <br />for everyone in ot!r conununity. <br />THEREFORE, IN OTrICIAL ItECOGNITION WHEREOF, by thc Lamar Coiuity <br />Cotvntissioners' Court cio liereby affix our sigliahtres. Signed this flie 28t}, day of November, 2011. <br />M.C. Superville, Latuar County.Tudge <br />Lawrence Malone, Com1nissioner, Precinct 1 <br />Kevin ,leiakuis, Commissianer, Precittct 3 <br />AFFIX SEaL <br />Loiinie Layton, Conunissio»er Precinet 2 <br />Keith Mitchell, Cornmissioner, Preeunct 4 <br />92 <br />