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Regular City Council <br />Meeting <br /> December 13, 2004 <br /> Page 3 <br />PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $2,000.00; REPEALING <br />ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT <br />HEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WAS <br />PRESENTED. <br />Councilman Guest made a motion for approval, which was seconded by <br />Councilman Wilson. The motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Mayor Fendley called for consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat <br />of Tobin Business Park on Lot 11-E, City Block 316, Pine Mill Road. City <br />Attorney Schenk said this was originally tabled and reconsidered at the <br />Planning and Zoning meeting. <br />Community Development Director Lisa Wright explained that, since there had <br />been a concern over drainage in the area and no one had been present at the <br />original meeting, the item was tabled. She continued that the Surveyor came <br />to the meeting today and presented ideas to deal with the drainage from the <br />Developer and the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the plat subject <br />to the Engineer’s recommendations. On a question from Councilman Wilson, <br />City Engineer Shawn Napier explained this was a private drive and they will <br />have to have a thirty (30) foot egress-ingress easement. <br />A discussion followed concerning the requirements for private drives. Several <br />Council members voiced concern that someone would come up in the future <br />and ask the City to repair the drive and wanted to put a stipulation on that so <br />the people would know that the drive was not the City’s responsibility. <br />Councilman Bell said he would like to require that they put up a sign indicating <br />it is a private drive and put that stipulation in an ordinance, that all private <br />drives built would have to have a sign. <br />Councilman Bell left the meeting at 6:23 P. M. and returned at 6:24 P. M. <br />Councilman Poston left the meeting at 6:24 P. M. and returned at 6:25 P. M. <br /> <br />