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Regular City Council <br />Meeting <br /> December 13, 2004 <br /> Page 8 <br />AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR <br />MANAGEMENT OF COX FIELD AIRPORT WITH J. R. AVIATION; <br />MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE <br />SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WAS PRESENTED. <br />Community Development Director Wright said the Airport Advisory Board <br />approved the list of responsibilities presented to them concerning the contract <br />and recommended that Council go forward with the contract. She indicated that <br />the Richey’s did not have Workers’ Comp. and wanted to know what the <br />Council wanted to do concerning that. <br />Jerry Richey, Vice President of J. R. Aviation, came forward and said that he <br />and his dad were full-time employees. He said he had only one employee that <br />was not a family member. He explained that most of the contract was for <br />managerial duties. <br />City Attorney Schenk said he had provided optional contracts for the Council, <br />one with Workers’ Comp. and one without. Councilman Guest made a motion <br />to approve the contract without Workers’ Comp. Councilman Wilson seconded <br />the motion and it carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />It was decided not to have a Council meeting on December 27, 2004. <br />On future agenda items, Mayor Fendley said that he and City Manager <br />Williams had talked about having a workshop in mid January and Council <br />would be receiving notice of this. <br />Councilman Wilson was concerned about several items that had not been <br />resolved from previous meetings. City Manager Williams asked anyone who <br />felt there was something unresolved to bring that to his attention and it would <br />be addressed. <br /> <br />