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<br />EXHIII1' 8A8
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<br />¡'ropertl De.cription)
<br />
<br />"
<br />
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<br />
<br />Situated within che Corporate L~it. of the
<br />City of Partie County of Lamar. and State ,of
<br />Tex.a. a part of the a,ors- W. Cox Survey, '
<br />and belng a part of a 88 acre tract of land
<br />conveyed D~llal Utility Co. bl deed recorded
<br />in Vol. 376. Pale 442, of the Deed ltcordl of
<br />.aid County and State.
<br />
<br />, BEGINNING at an'iron'p~n at the interaectioo'
<br />of the North Boundary Line of Clarkaville
<br />St.. with thl! EAlt Boundary Line of Johnlon ,'. '
<br />Wood a Drive. add polnt beins a ,dhtance of ' ',,'~
<br />999.8 ft. Wilt of the molt Southerly South- , ~'i'
<br />lalt corner of laid 88 acre tract. al mealured' ~.,
<br />along the .North Boundary. Line of ClarkavUle St., '~,
<br />, .,
<br />
<br />THENCE, North 22' 22' taat along the ¡alt Boundarl '.
<br />Line of Johnlon Wood. Dr.., a dhtance of 150 ,ft. "
<br />to an iron pipo for corner; .. " ;
<br />
<br />r, ,'.
<br />
<br />I ,~ :"
<br />" ,
<br />, .
<br />
<br />. ,
<br />
<br />"',
<br />
<br />.. ,
<br />
<br />, .;
<br />
<br />THENCE South 688 49' ta.t a dlltance of 150 ft., . ': '
<br />to an iron pin for corner. .aid point being in 'f,
<br />the Welt Boundary Line ~f the Plea.ant ar~ve f:
<br />Convalucent Homa proparty; . .',
<br />
<br />:., "
<br />
<br />. TKtNCE South' 22' 22' Wut along th~ Welt Boúndarl :..'
<br />Line of the'laid Conyale.cent Home property, a ,
<br />dl.tance of 150 ft. to an iron pipe for corner,
<br />in the North Boundary Line of Clarluville St., ' ,
<br />..id point beinS in a curve to the risht haY1n¡ .
<br />a radlu. of 5321.48 ft. and a desree of curvature
<br />of 1'05'; " , '"
<br />
<br />THENCE in a Northwe.terly direction Ilona .aid,
<br />curve'to the richt, a dlltaace of lSO ft.. to,çha
<br />place of be¡tnfttn¡.
<br />
<br />. .
<br />
<br />. '
<br />
<br />,I
<br />
<br />RP
<br />
<br />256 PAc£174
<br />