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ordinance was too much hassle and they were not longer going to renovate <br />the building next door to hers. Mr. Denney explained that the building is from <br />one period and the lighting from another, and it’s the job of the Commission <br />to make sure additions go with the building. Mrs. Wilson added that it was <br />also their responsibility to make sure the procedure was followed and that the <br />Pendletons did not follow it. Mrs. Pendleton said they did not have the lights <br />at the time they filed their last COA, so they just put them up. She stated no <br />one liked what the Commission was doing, like approving the purple paint on <br />the building across from her. Mr. Denney stated he would rather have purple <br />paint than stained wood that won’t last, but that the Commission had worked <br />with them and allowed them to do it. Chairman Starrett stated the lights are <br />nice, they’re just not appropriate. Mrs. Pendleton asked what she could do if <br />she didn’t like the HPO’s decision, and Chairman Starrett advised her she <br />could appeal to HPC and then City Council. <br />7.The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. <br />APPROVED this 20th day of December, 2004. <br />__________________________________ <br />Arvin Starrett, Chairman <br />