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<br />0'.' <br /> <br />\ ' <br /> <br />~ of Paris <br /> <br />Study of Lake Crook <br /> <br />March, 2001 <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />GENERAL INFORl\1A TION' <br /> <br />1.1 <br /> <br />COMMISSIONING THE STUDY <br /> <br />In the fall of2000, the city council of the City of Paris commissioned the consultant to make a <br />study of Lake Crook. The council and staffhad, in the past, been approached by various groups <br />of very well intentioned individuals to use the lake and the surrounding city owned property for <br />boat races, archery trials, gun ranges, trails, public parks and even to sell the property for <br />development. The council wanted to better understand their options and the possible <br />consequences, both short and long term, of any action they might take with regards to Lake <br />Crook. While individually there were likely ideas and opinions in the minds of council members, <br />the council voiced no specific instruction to the consultant concerning a preferred outcome and, <br />in truth, left the consultant to develop the study without prejudice. <br /> <br />The consultant, Calvin T. (Terry) Brannon, is a registered professional engineer in Texas and four <br />other states, a registered professional land surveyor in Texas, and president ofa civil engineering <br />consulting firm in Tyler, Texas some eighty miles away from Paris. The consultant did not and <br />does not have any vested fmancial interest in the outcome of the study and employs no person <br />\vith any financial interest in the property surrounding Lake Crook. <br /> <br />.., <br /> <br />Mr. Brannon has, since 1977, been in private consulting practice. His fIrm specializes in the <br />development of communities both through the master planning of them and the design of public <br />works projects of all types. His personal experience in subdivision development includes the <br />design of Hollytree, Limited and Garden Valley Resort golf course subdivisions, the design of <br />lakes and subdivisions around lakes in Smith, Tarrant and Nacogdoches Counties with over <br />16,000 lots and parcels for residential and mixed use development; and serving as consulting <br />engineer during development of The Villages on Lake Palestine. <br /> <br />But, besides the private development, Brannon has been involved in the development of public.. <br />recreational areas and walking trails in Livingston, Tyler, Longview and two dozen smaller cities; <br />has prepared over fifty successful applications for grant assistance to the Texas Parks and Wildlife <br />Department; has prepared applications for public and private concerns for 404 Wetlands Permits <br />from the Corps of Engineers. He has likewise prepared applications for sewer effluent discharges <br />for many cities and designed \vater and wastewater plants and pump stations all over Texas along <br />with their respective distribution and collection systems. <br /> <br />In his earlier life, Brannon was staff engineer for the city of Irving and assistant city engineer in" <br />Tyler. While in Tyler, Brannon was charged with monitoring and approving constnlction around <br />the city water supply at Lake Tyler and Lake Tyler East as well as approving subdivision plats <br />and construction documents. <br /> <br />Page 1 of 45 <br />