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DRAFT <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation <br />Business Plan - 2012-2414 <br />I' <br />R I <br />S <br />Introductian <br />In 2011 PEDC Board of Directors engaged the Paris and Lamaiā€¢ County, Texas community leadership in <br />a community-wide strategic planning process. This process included identifying our strengths, <br />weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) and analyzing 7 Critica] Issues related to our <br />community's future. As a result of the proeess, PEDC engaged Regionnovate, Inc. to facilitate a <br />"roadmap" to chari a course for future econoanic developanent of not only Paris, but the broader Red <br />River Region. <br />This three-year PEDC business plan takes into consideratian the origina3 SWOT analysis and aligns with <br />the priorities and 7 critical issnes in the community-wide strategic plan. Implementing this business <br />plan wili be a focused priority of the PEDC staff and board from 2012 through 2014, and beyond. <br />PEDC Business Plan 2012-2414 <br />Aligning with 7 Critical Issues <br />Global Manufacturing & <br />Diversity <br />Retaii Development Strategy <br />Inifiianve <br />Issue 1. Develop long-range plans to ensvre abundant <br />Issue 7. Improve community image on <br />water for our targeted industries. <br />diversity. <br />Issue 2. Implement aggressive business retention and <br />expansion programs and other actions ko decrease the <br />risk of closure of our top employers. <br />Issue 3. Develop long- and shore-range plans to <br />address aging infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, <br />etc.) to ensure we are "shovel ready" for new <br />industry expansions. <br />Civic Leadership & <br />Public Policy <br />Issue 4. Enhance the depth and <br />consistency of the local leadership pooJ <br />with a shared vision of our future. <br />lssue 5. Advocate for, and develop aggressive plans <br />to improve the transportation system, including Tssue 6. Cultivate cooperation and <br />priorities of four-lanes for Highway 24 to Commerce, Goordination between and among <br />which will provide better access to Tnterstate 30 and goveming bodies (City, County, School <br />ather improvemenis as they are identified. Distriets, ete.) and civic organizations. <br />Moving From Traditional Industrial Recruiting to an Innovation-Based Strategy <br />Historically, PEDC has conducted a very traditional industrial recruiting effort, advertising in regional <br />and national publications and writing proposals iyT response to prospects from the State of Texas or from <br />site selectors. PEDC has participated in a regional marketing alliance called the NE Texas Economic <br />Alliance that inc2udes Commerce, Mt. Pleasant, Sulphur Springs, Athens, Palestine and Kilgore. Since <br />the 1990s economic development results have been minimat. More recently Paris has benefted from <br />intermittent growth of existing businesses. It is easier to keep and grow existing companies than recruit <br />new. AEDC will continue ta visit, listen to and support our existing empIoyers to retain and expand their <br />local production, jobs and capital investment. <br />_ 1 17 <br />