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A. The following individuals spoke in favor of the petition. <br />Holland Harper, 1040 31" Street S.E., spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. Harper <br />stated they have recently installed 1,400 feet of rail on the property. There are <br />currently no contracts to receive crude oil at this time; however, in the near future <br />they hope to be transloading oil frorn trucks to rail cars. Mr. Harper further stated <br />that moving oil by rail car is more efficient because an oil truck only holds 5,500 <br />gallons were a rail car will hold 30,000 gallons. The site will be a clean area <br />maintained according to all regulations; it will be clean, safe and efficient. We Reit <br />has a vested interest to make sure this operation is clean and safe because we live in <br />the area and own property in the area. Mr. Harper stated their hope is to bring jobs <br />to Paris as well. Commissioner Price asked how many jobs could be generated. <br />Mr. Harper stated we are unsure at this time. Commissioner Chalaire asked if We <br />Reit plans on storing oi1 on the property. Mr. Harper stated no not at this time, <br />there will not be enough oil generated to need a storage facility. Trucks wil] come <br />in unload the oil onto the rail car and return to the site to reload. <br />B. No one spoke in opposition. <br />Robert Burns, 507 South Church, had questions; however, stating Mr. Harper had <br />answered those in his presentation. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers, seconded by James Price to approve the zoning <br />change request. Motion carried 4-0, 1 abstained. <br />Motion was made by Richard Hunt, seconded by Dennis Chalaire to return Holland Harper <br />to the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br />4. Public heaf-ing and consideration of and action on the petition of Jim Noble, for a clzange in <br />zoning.ft•om a Neighborhood Service District (NS) to a General Retail District (GR) on <br />Lots South Paf-t of 1 and South Paf•t West 25' of 3, City Block 201, being located at 2246 <br />Bonhani Str•eet. <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />A. The following individuals spoke in favor of the petition. <br />Jim Noble, 3345 East Houston, spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. Noble stated he <br />operated a hardware store at this location for 28 years. Recently he leased the <br />building and found out that the zoning was incorrect, therefore they are here to ask <br />for a zoning change. <br />Robert Burns, 507 South Church, spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. Burns stated <br />_ ~ 10 <br />