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officer of deliberative bodies. <br />Rule S. Every member prior to his speaking, shall address himself to the <br />presiding officer, but shall not proceed with his remarks until recognized by <br />the presiding officer. <br />Rule 6. When two (2) or more members speak at once, the presiding officer <br />shall name the member who is entitled to the floor. <br />Rule 7. Every member, when speaking, shall confine his remarks to the <br />questions under discussion, and shall avoid personal remarks. <br />Rule 8. No member shall be interrupted while speaking, except by a call to <br />order by the presiding officer. <br />Rule 9. No member shall speak more than twice on one item without leave of <br />the presiding officer, nor more than once in any one case until every member <br />choosing to speak shall have spoken. <br />Rule 10. A member called to order by the presiding officer shall immediately <br />resume his seat unless permitted to explain. If there is no appeal, the decision <br />of the chair shall be conclusive, but if the member appeals from the decision of <br />the chair, the council shall decide the case. <br />Rule 11. Each member present shall vote unless formally excused by the <br />council. <br />Rule 12. When considering an item, the item will first be read aloud; a <br />public hearing will be conducted if required; the presiding officer will call <br />upon staff for an explanation and/or clarification of the item; the presiding <br />officer will open the item for discussion; the presiding officer will call for a <br />motion and second; engage in additional discussion on the item if <br />necessary; and the presiding officer will call for a vote by the council. <br />Rule 13. Ordinances shall require two readings at two different City Council <br />meetings before adoption of the Ordinance. An Ordinance may be adopted <br />on the first reading if the Council votes to suspend the rule by a <br />supermajority vote (5 or more "ayes"). <br />Rule 14. When a motion and second is made, the names of the council <br />members moving shall be entered into the minutes. The action taken on an <br />item shall be entered into the minutes, including the number of ayes, the <br />number of nays, and the names of the council members voting in favor and <br />in opposition to an item. <br />Rule 15. When an item is under consideration the only motions shall be: <br />a. To approve. <br />b. To deny. <br />c. To table. <br />-2- <br />_ 76 <br />