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March 14, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />12.Consideration of and action on the following resolutions: <br />A.Authorizing the City Manager, Finance Director, and City Attorney to execute <br />any and all necessary documents associated with changes to the City <br />Employee Health Insurance Plan. <br />B.Approving and authorizing the award of a construction contract for the <br />construction, reconstruction, and conversion of that structure formerly <br />referred to as the UARCO building to a new police, court, and jail facility. <br />13.Consideration of and action on the following ordinances: <br />A.Revising the Traffic Control Map adopted in Paragraph (b) OF Section 31-65 <br />th <br />of said code by adding a stop sign as follows: Brownwood at 36 St. N.E., <br />stopping west-bound traffic. <br />14. <br />Discuss and consider proposed revised evaluation instruments for use in evaluating the <br />City Manager, City Attorney and Municipal Court Judge. <br />15.Consider, discuss, and provide direction to City staff or consider possible action <br />regarding annual evaluation of the City Manager, City Attorney, and Municipal Court <br />Judge. <br />16.Possible future agenda items. <br />17.Referrals. <br />18.Adjournment. <br />POSTED:FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2005, O’CLOCK, P.M., CITY HALL BULLETIN <br />BOARD. <br />BY:_______________________________ <br />WITNESS: ___________________________ <br />