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<br />existing applicable Û'aDchise agreements to the contrary, Electric Delivery agrees to reimburse <br />Cities for reasonable and necessary expenses incutred in Electric Ddivery's next rate case in an <br />amount not to exceed $2,000,000. The rate case expense reimbursements will be made monthly, <br />beginning with the first month after the consultants are hired. Cities further agree not to contest <br />the recovery of Cities' rate case expenses and Electric -Delivery's reasonable and necessary rate <br />case expenses in Electric Ddivcry's next rate case. Electric Delivery further agrees to pay, and <br />Cities agrees to accept, $150,000 in settlement of all previously disputed regulatory expenses. <br />Electric Delivery will not seek reimbursement of that $150,000 amount in Electric Delivery's <br />rates. <br /> <br />13. Electric Delivery agrees that, in ftanchise negotiations, it will not seek to extend the <br />prohibition on reimbursement of mUlÚcipal rate case expenses beyond June 2008. <br /> <br />14. Electric Delivery agrees that if the 2005 Texas Legislature considers the implementation <br />of a nodal pricing system in ERCaf, then Electric Delivery will provide infonDation to the <br />Legislature concerning the importance of a vibrant electric transmission system and the benefits <br />of the expansion of transmission facilities in helping 'to reduce congestion costs. <br /> <br />15. Signatories acknowledge that Electric Delivery intends to offer certain terms of this <br />Settlement Agr~lcnt to cities served by Electric Delivery that arc not listed on Exhibit A <br />("Negotiations"). Electric Delivery agrees that all cities listed on Exhibit A are entitled to Most <br />Favored Nations protection during those Negotiations and that any benefits that Elecbir. Delivery <br />agrees to provide to any city during those Negotiations that arc not aJready included in this <br />Settlement Agreement will be offered to all cities listed on Exhibit A. Cities acknowledge and <br />agree that to receive any additional benefits from Electric Delivery, additional consideration <br />fiom Cities to Electric Delivery may be required. <br /> <br />16. The Signatories agree that the amounts paid by Electric Delivery to Cities pursuant to <br />paragraphs 4, lOt and 12 of this Agrctment are paid solely in oonsideration for Cities' abatement <br />or dismissal of, and forbearance ûom filing or pursuing, Show Cause Actions against Electric <br />Delivery and Cities' agreement to abide by the terms of this ~cement, and to reimburse Cities' <br />expenses associated with the Show Cause Actions and other regulatory proceetfings. To the <br />extent that the amounts paid may be in excess of Cities' expenses, the excess is paid solely in <br />order to settle the matters that are the subject of this Aatccment. Signatories recognize and agree <br />that the payments specified in this A&iocment are not a rate reduction, refund, rebate, discount, <br />preference or privilege of any kind for services provided by Electric Delivery or any of its <br />affiliates or predecessors in interest under any tariff: whether in the past, now, or in the future. <br />As such, the provision of electric delivery service to Cities by Electric Delivery or any affiliate <br />or predecessor has been and will cœtinue to be governed solely by the rates, terms, and <br />conditions of the applicable tariði. <br /> <br />17. Cities agree that for a ten-day period following the date this Settlement Agrecn1ent is <br />executed, neither Cities nor the cities listed on Exhibit A will make any public statements or take <br />any public action conceming the existence of a settlement or the terms of the Settlement <br />Agreement <br /> <br />. - ~.' <br /> <br />4 <br />