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MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />Planning and Zoning Coinmission <br />FROM: Shawn Napier, P <br />Director of Engi n g, Planning & Development <br />DATE: February 1, 2012 <br />SUBJECT: Morningside North #2 Final Plat <br />I have reviewed the final plat of the above referenced addition. It appears that the final plat <br />complies with the City of Paris subdivision regulations with ihe following exception. <br />1. Label the existing street pavement widths. <br />2. The Major Thoroughfare Plan list SE 42"d Street as a collector level roadway. A five- <br />foot dedication is reyuired on the west side of Lot l. <br />3. Add a five-foot utility easement along the west, north and east property lines. <br />4. Make the 15-foot drainage easement on the south side of ]ot 2 a drainage and utility <br />easement. <br />5. Change the ] 5-foot drainage easement on the south side of lot l to a five-foot utility <br />easement. <br />I recommend approval of the final plat upon submission of a corrected mylar copy with <br />signatures of the surveyor and owner prior to noon on February 10, 2012. <br />cc: Gene Anderson, Interim City Manager <br />Jim Nelson, R.P.L.S., Nelson Surveying Co. <br />Brian Glass <br />~ <br />