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a2!06!2012 16:31 9037842429 CITV OF PARIS PAGE 02 <br />PROPOSAL FORM <br />TO: Hanorab]e Mayor, City Council and City Maraager <br />FROM: <br />(Naxne of Person ar Company) <br />~ ~ ~~r ~c~.►~ <br />(Address) <br />C?C)3 - qv-z~-F <br />(Phone Number) <br />(I)(Wc) hexeby submit the following proposa] in accord.anae witi, the attaehcd speeificataons for <br />tbe Managing and Coozdinating the Adu1t Softball Leagues far the City of Paris. <br />(I)(We) wil] provide the City of Paris I 5_..% of all monies col,lected thraugh rcgistration <br />fees for the A.dult Softball Leagues; Sprirzg, ],ndustrial, Fall and Wintex. <br />/4) ~'#GY l MQYR~ <br />(I)(We) will charge each tcam a fce ofi $ta participate in a City of Paris <br />Softbal] League. t~~0S..~jj ~e.~ <br />a~ bo ~Q•~e~ =~o <br />~ ,~p~y <br />(Signaturc ofPerson Subznxttzng Proposal) (Date) <br />I , 147, <br />