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4. The HPO handed out <br />Receipt of report from the Historic Preservation Officer. <br />the attached report. The HPO also reported to the Commission that <br />Preservation Month was coming up, and she and the Asst. HPO would be <br />bringing information back to the Commission at a future meeting to discuss <br />possible events to celebrate the month. Becki Norment requested that the <br />HPO look into the correct name of Church Street prior to ordering street <br />signs. She stated that the property owners along the street were wanting to <br />change it from “S. Church Street” to “Church Street”. <br />5. The Commission requested <br />Request items from Board for future agendas. <br />that Code Enforcement look at Calvin Gibson’s property, the Washington <br />Square, and property at Brame and S. Main for possible code violations. Tony <br />Williams advised that he had spoken with Charles Hill about the lighting <br />downtown, and Mr. Hill will be looking at all downtown lights for repair. Becki <br />Norment expressed a concern that the Commission was being inconsistent <br />by approving Mr. Bryan’s plastic sign earlier in the meeting after denying <br />other plastic signs in the past. Barbara Wilson explained that Mr. Bryan’s <br />sign was already in existence, it was just being moved. Ann Rodgers stated <br />that the Commission needed to use common sense in cases like this, so <br />that’s why it may seem inconsistent at times. <br />6.The meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 28TH DAY OF MARCH, 2005. <br />________________________________ <br />Arvin Starrett, Chairman <br /> <br />